
UBC Calendar

Voluntary Withdrawal from Graduate Program

Graduate Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Recommendation

Required to Withdraw from Graduate Program for Non-Registration

Students may wish to discontinue their programs for personal reasons, or may be required by the University to withdraw from their programs. Please see the UBC policy in the Calendar.

Required to Withdraw for Academic Reasons

A graduate student may be required to withdraw if academic progress has not been satisfactory. Graduate programs may establish additional criteria for measuring student progress, but when this is done it is essential that:

  • the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies be informed of these additional requirements
  • all students, when they enter the program, be informed in writing of these additional requirements

A student must be informed in writing by the graduate advisor of unsatisfactory progress and given an opportunity to discuss the matter with the supervisory committee or advising faculty members before any recommendation for withdrawal is made to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

The decision to withdraw a student for academic reasons is made by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The academic record will indicate "Required to Withdraw."


  1. Program documents the student’s lack of progress, informs the student, and makes documented efforts to enable the student to improve.
  2. Program contacts the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to discuss the student’s lack of progress and a possible withdrawal.
  3. Program meets with the student to discuss the possibility of being required to withdraw for insufficient academic progress. Student is offered the option to withdraw voluntarily from the graduate program.
  4. If the student does not wish to withdraw voluntarily, the program sends a recommendation for required withdrawal to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The student is given an opportunity to protest the recommendation to the Dean or their delegate. 
  5. If there is sufficient reason, the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will require the student to withdraw.
  6. The student reserves the right to appeal a decision relating to their academic standing and to do so, must lodge a written notice of appeal with the Registrar within 10 days of being informed in writing of the Faculty's final decision. See the policy on Senate Appeals on Academic Standing for more information.

Voluntary Withdrawal

Students who wish to withdraw must notify their graduate programs in writing.

A student who does not complete formal withdrawal procedures will be liable for all assessed fees until such procedures are completed. Retroactive withdrawal requests will not be approved by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies unless the Graduate Program confirms in writing that the student did not attend or use any university resources as of the requested effective date of withdrawal.

The academic record will indicate “Voluntary Withdrawal”, and will include the date of withdrawal and a standing of "W" in all courses not completed on that date.


  1. Student notifies graduate program in writing of the desire to withdraw.
  2. Student downloads and complete the “Voluntary Withdrawal from Graduate Program” form from Grad Studies website. Attach required documentation.
  3. Student obtains the signatures of supervisor (or advisor) and graduate program advisor indicating their approval.
  4. Program sends the form to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies with a copy of the student’s written request.

Withdrawal for Non-Registration

Students who fail to register and/or are absent without leave from their program (or, for programs that do not offer formal leave, without appropriate permission) for two or more consecutive terms will normally be withdrawn from the program. The academic record will indicate "Withdrawal - did not register." Graduate programs must document that attempts were made to contact the student using email, mail, and registered mail, and must state clearly that if no response is received from the student by a stated date, the student will be withdrawn.


  1. Program documents efforts to contact student using  email, mail, and registered mail.
  2. Program downloads and completes the “Required to Withdraw from Graduate Program for Non-Registration” form from Grad Studies website.
  3. Program sends the form to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies with documentation of efforts to contact the student as requested on the form.

Required to Withdraw for Non-Academic Reasons

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies reserves the right to require a student to withdraw from a program of study if the Faculty, in consultation with the home graduate program, considers the student to be unsuited to proceed with the study or practice of the chosen discipline or field of study.

The decision to withdraw a student for non-academic reasons is made by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.