Eighteen doctoral students from the UBC Vancouver campus have received a Killam Doctoral Scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year.
Killam Doctoral Scholarships are awarded to students who are "likely to contribute to the advancement of learning or to win distinction in a profession" and are granted to students in all faculties across UBC. This year, recipients' research topics include everything from a study of ancient Israelite religion to the examination of the intersection between aesthetics and agriculture to an investigation of how carnivores interact with post-forest fire landscapes.
These are provided each year from the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies and are awarded to the top doctoral candidates in the annual Tri-Agency/Affiliated Fellowships competition. These scholarships provide up to $30,000 per year plus a $2,000 research travel allowance over a two-year term.
The UBC Vancouver recipients of the 2017-2018 Killam Doctoral Scholarships are (in alphabetical order):
- Melanie Chanona, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Faculty of Science
- Alejandra Echeverri Ochoa, Resource Management & Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science
- Michael Fabris, Geography, Faculty of Arts
- Justin Falardeau, Food Science, Faculty of Land and Food Systems
- Roseanna Gamlen-Greene, Faculty of Forestry
- Ruth Gibson, Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Arts
- Darra Hofman, Library, Archival and Information Studies, Faculty of Arts
- Robyn McClure, Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education, Faculty of Education
- Heather Palis, School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine
- Xue Bin Peng, Computer Science, Faculty of Science
- Anthea Pun, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
- Tianyou Qiu, Psychology, Faculty of Arts
- Lee Rippon, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science
- Ryan Schroeder, Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts
- Michael Skinnider, MD/PhD, Faculty of Medicine
- Nathan TeBokkel, English, Faculty of Arts
- Ken Thompson, Zoology, Faculty of Science
- Fei Wang, Materials Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science
About the Killam Trusts
The Killam Trusts were established in 1965 by Dorothy Johnston Killam for the benefit of The University of British Columbia, The Canada Council for the Arts, Dalhousie University, Montreal Neurological Institute of McGill University, University of Alberta and The University of Calgary.
In the realm of higher education in Canada the name Killam is synonymous with financial support for advanced studies. Here at UBC that support is distributed in a number of ways, via doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships, mentoring and teaching awards for faculty, recognition for outstanding emeriti, awards to graduate teaching assistants, faculty salary supplements, start-up funds for new initiatives and faculty research fellowships and prizes.
Learn more about UBC’s Killam awards and fellowships.