Clean Energy Research Centre

Providing safe, widespread, and equitable access to sustainable energy is one of the key challenges of our time. The Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) hosts world-leading researchers who see this challenge as an opportunity to help future generations inherit a better world.

Our interdisciplinary program brings together innovators from many departments, including the Faculty of Applied Science, the Faculty of Science, and the Sauder School of Business.

We also actively seek local and global collaboration with industry, academia and all levels of government.


Affiliated UBC Faculty & Postdocs

Name Role Research Interests
Bi, Xiaotao Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Biomass and Bioenergy; Electrostatics of Powders; Fluidization; Fuel Cells Water Management; Green Engineering; Industrial Symbiosis; Life Cycle Analysis; Multiphase Chemical Reactors; Particle technology
Chen, Yu Christine Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Engineering and technology; energy systems; Electric power system modelling, control, and operation; Renewable energy sources; electricity markets
Ellis, Naoko Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Chemical Processes; CO2 capture and utilization; Interdisciplinary teaching and learning; multiphase systems; thermochemical conversion of biomass
Feng, Haibo Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Building construction engineering; Concrete, cementitious materials and other architectural and construction materials; BIM; Construction; LCA; sustainability; Wood Products; Zero energy / caron building
Gopaluni, Bhushan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Modelling and experiment design, identification for control
Green, Sheldon Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Fluid Mechanics; Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms; building ventilation; railroads; papermaking
Gyenge, Elod Lajos Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Electrochemical engineering, fuel cells, batteries, electrodes
Kirchen, Patrick Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Thermochemical Energy Conversion, Combustion, Internal Combustion Engines, Ion Transport Membranes, Emissions, Fuel Injection
Lees, Eric Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Electrochemical engineering; Electrochemical synthesis; Continuum modelling; Reactor design; Transport phenomena; Electrochemical separations; CO2 capture and conversion; Continuum and techno-economic/life cycle assessment modelling; Electrochemical reactions and separations; Atmospheric water harvesting
Madden, John Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; artificial muscle; electrochemical devices; electronic skin; Functional and Intelligent Materials; medical devices; smart materials; supercapacitors; wearables
Madiseh, Ali Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mining engineering; Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation; Heat and mass transfer operations; energy systems; Renewable energy systems; Energy storage; Energy decarbonization; Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
Mérida, Walter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Clean energy, Electrochemical energy conversion, Thermodynamics, Low carbon fuels, Fuel cells and hydrogen
Mhanna, Mhanna Postdoctoral Fellow Mechanical characterization (including modeling, testing, and monitoring); Laser diagnostics, Absorption spectroscopy, Emissions, Energy, Machine learning
Michelson, David Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) wireless communications, Propagation and channel modeling, low profile antenna design, wireless communication system performance, EMI/EMC
Mohseni, Madjid Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Water quality engineering; Drinking Water; Chemical Pollutants; Used Water; Clean Technologies; Advanced oxidation; Drinking water quality and treatment; Electrochemical water treatment processes; UV based water purification and treatment; Water re-use; Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
Olson, James Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Application of Physics and Fluid Mechanics to Problems Associated with the Pulp and Paper Industry, Mechanical Energy Reduction in Mechanical Pulping
Ordonez, Martin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Energy systems, renewable energy, wind power, solar power, battery systems, fuel cells, electric vehicles, smart grid.
Paradis, Gregory Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Design and analysis of sytems; Modelling and applications of systems; Production systems engineering; Systems engineering, n.e.c.; Programming in operational research (including linear and nonlinear programming); Combinatorial and network optimization (including programming and metaheuristics); Optimization under uncertainty (including stochastic and robust optimization); Bilevel optimization and game theory; Stochastic models (including queueing and simulation); Decisions and risk analysis; Forest management; Forest Operations; forest estate modelling; carbon budget modelling; Ecosystem services; cumulative effects; Operations Research; industrial engineering; computer science; forest economics; forest sector sustainability; mining sector sustainability
Rogak, Steven Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Natural sciences; Aerosols, air pollution and climate
Sayed, Tarek Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) transportation engineering, Transportation, Full Bayes safety models, Automated safety analysis using computer vision techniques, Safety evaluations, Traffic conflicts techniques, Pedestrian modeling, and ITS
Tansey, James Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Ethics of new and emerging technologies, Emerging markets and institutions for carbon trading, Social determinants of health, GM crops and animals
Tavasoli, Alex Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Materials engineering; Mechanical engineering; industrial decarbonization; community-based and/or distributed infrastructure; chemical and materials manufacturing processes; carbon dioxide capture and conversion; photocatalysis
Trajano, Heather Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Biomass (Energy); Wood; Pulp and paper; Biochemicals; Biomass extractives recovery and utilization; Biorefining; catalysis; Hemicellulose; Kinetics; Pretreatment
Tran, Martino Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) systems science, predictive modelling and simulation for understanding and tackling societal challenges in energy and sustainability
Uhl, Alexander Faculty (non-G+PS member) Compound semiconductors; Solar Energy Conversion; photovoltaics; solar fuels
Wilkinson, David Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Electrochemistry; carbon dioxide conversion; clean and sustainable energy and water; Electrochemistry, electrocatalysis, electrochemical power sources, advanced electrolysis,; hydrogen production and storage; solar fuels; waste water and drinking water treatment
Zerriffi, Hisham Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Environmental geography; Forestry biomass and bioproducts; Modelling and applications of systems; Environment and natural resources economics; Environmental policy; Biomass (Energy); Energy Transformation and Energy Using; International development; Environment and Society; Ideological, Political, Economical and Social Environments of Social Transformations; Social and Cultural Factors of Environmental Protection; energy poverty
Ziels, Ryan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Environmental engineering; Genomics; Environmental biotechnology; Anaerobic digestion; Biological nutrient removal; Environmental Systems Engineering; Microbial biotechnology; Microbial ecology; Multi-omics; Resource recovery; Sustainable biological wastewater treatment
Zimmerman, Naomi Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) development and application of real-world-based tools to quickly and quantitatively assess the impact of our policy and technology decisions on air pollution and climate outcomes, and to use the knowledge gained to support better environmental policy planning; air quality