
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
The concept of authenticity in Heidegger's Being and Time: thoughts and revisions on a critical theme 14 February 2008
Development of new tools to study drug-lipid interactions and their application to investigating amphotericin b's association with model cell membranes 14 February 2008
Transforming law's family: the legal recognition of planned lesbian families 14 February 2008
Comparative studies on the financial holding company laws and practices in the U.S. and Taiwan 14 February 2008
Liberal environmentalism and the international law of hazardous chemicals 14 February 2008
Autoignition and emission characteristics of gaseous fuel direct-injection compression-ignition combustion 14 February 2008
Social capital and sustainability in a Newfoundland fishing community 14 February 2008
"How are we doing?" Exploring aboriginal representation in texts and aboriginal programs in Surrey secondary schools 14 February 2008
Participatory inclusion in the refugee resettlement process 14 February 2008
From student academic to computer specialist: co-construction of student identity and a school computer-network 14 February 2008
Persons and partiality: limitations on consequentialist justifications 14 February 2008
Characterization of xtcl mutant with reduced cuticular wax accumulation 14 February 2008
College students with learning disabilities: a developmental perspective on conceptions of learning, learning disability, and others in learning 14 February 2008
Combining measurements with deterministic model outputs: predicting ground-level ozone 14 February 2008
Strangers inside our gates: public opinion towards immigration in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom 13 February 2008
Pathogenicity and taxonomy of fungi associated with the mountain pine beetle in British Columbia 13 February 2008
Semi-supervised and active training of conditional random fields for activity recognition 13 February 2008
Discovering and summarizing email conversations 13 February 2008
On the effect of competition and strategic consumer behavior in revenue management 12 February 2008
Evaluating the error of measurement due to categorical scaling with a measurement invariance approach to confirmatory factor analysis 11 February 2008
Application of a land use planning decision support tool in a public participatory process for sustainable forest management 11 February 2008
Imagination and mediation: eighteenth-century British novels and moral philosophy. 05 February 2008
An analysis of the management and economics of salmon aquaculture 03 February 2008
Multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for ultra-wideband wireless communication: analysis, extensions and implementation aspects 01 February 2008
Devilish straits: re-interpreting the source of Boundary Waters Treaty success 31 January 2008
The effects of herbivory, competition, and disturbance on island meadows 30 January 2008
Design of a self-paced brain computer interface system using features extracted from three neurological phenomena 29 January 2008
Characterization of BphD, a C-C bond hydrolase involved in the degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls 24 January 2008
Do Muslims make the difference: explaining variation on mosque building policies in Western Europe 21 January 2008
Beyond the public-private binary: cooperatives as alternative water governance models 16 January 2008
Advance care planning conversations: the family perspective 16 January 2008
Secondary schooling for girls in rural Uganda: challenges, opportunities and emerging identities 15 January 2008
Envisioning basketball: a socio-biographical investigation of Ruth Wilson - one of western Canada's sporting pioneers 10 January 2008
Direct optimization of 3D dose distributions using collimator rotation 08 January 2008
The albedo of an exoplanet: spacebased photometry of the transiting system HD 209458 07 January 2008
The way we see it: an analysis of economically disadvantaged young people's experiences and perceptions of social and economic health in their semi-rural community 07 January 2008
A DSP based variable-speed induction motor drive for a revolving stage 07 January 2008
Investigations of highly conjugated macrocycles and polymers for aggregation and chemical sensing 06 January 2008
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy options for proton exchange membrane fuel cell diagnostics 06 January 2008
Assisting bug report triage through recommendation 06 January 2008
Case study for identification and evaluation of construction innovations: the Hotel Georgia project 06 January 2008
Evolution of copper-containing nitrite reductase 04 January 2008
The role of CD43 in the growth and pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis within the mammalian host 04 January 2008
The greenhouse tomato industry in Delta, British Columbia 04 January 2008
The evidence is in the telling: the words of women survivors of non-physical abuse in intimate partner relationships 03 January 2008
An investigation of older Korean immigrants' perspectives on accessing primary health care 03 January 2008
The role of Mullerian differentiation in epithelial ovarian carcinogenesis 03 January 2008
Street network connectivity and local travel behaviour: assessing the relationship of travel outcomes to disparate pedestrian and vehicular street network connectivity 03 January 2008
Investigation of effect of dynamic operational conditions on membrane fouling in a membrane enhanced biological phosphorus removal process 03 January 2008
Influence of physical and biological habitat variables on juvenile salmonid and invertebrate drift abundance in southwest British Columbia streams 02 January 2008
