The concept of authenticity in Heidegger's Being and Time: thoughts and revisions on a critical theme |
14 February 2008 |
Development of new tools to study drug-lipid interactions and their application to investigating amphotericin b's association with model cell membranes |
14 February 2008 |
Transforming law's family: the legal recognition of planned lesbian families |
14 February 2008 |
Comparative studies on the financial holding company laws and practices in the U.S. and Taiwan |
14 February 2008 |
Liberal environmentalism and the international law of hazardous chemicals |
14 February 2008 |
Autoignition and emission characteristics of gaseous fuel direct-injection compression-ignition combustion |
14 February 2008 |
Social capital and sustainability in a Newfoundland fishing community |
14 February 2008 |
"How are we doing?" Exploring aboriginal representation in texts and aboriginal programs in Surrey secondary schools |
14 February 2008 |
Participatory inclusion in the refugee resettlement process |
14 February 2008 |
From student academic to computer specialist: co-construction of student identity and a school computer-network |
14 February 2008 |
Persons and partiality: limitations on consequentialist justifications |
14 February 2008 |
Characterization of xtcl mutant with reduced cuticular wax accumulation |
14 February 2008 |
College students with learning disabilities: a developmental perspective on conceptions of learning, learning disability, and others in learning |
14 February 2008 |
Combining measurements with deterministic model outputs: predicting ground-level ozone |
14 February 2008 |
Strangers inside our gates: public opinion towards immigration in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom |
13 February 2008 |
Pathogenicity and taxonomy of fungi associated with the mountain pine beetle in British Columbia |
13 February 2008 |
Semi-supervised and active training of conditional random fields for activity recognition |
13 February 2008 |
Discovering and summarizing email conversations |
13 February 2008 |
On the effect of competition and strategic consumer behavior in revenue management |
12 February 2008 |
Evaluating the error of measurement due to categorical scaling with a measurement invariance approach to confirmatory factor analysis |
11 February 2008 |
Application of a land use planning decision support tool in a public participatory process for sustainable forest management |
11 February 2008 |
Imagination and mediation: eighteenth-century British novels and moral philosophy. |
05 February 2008 |
An analysis of the management and economics of salmon aquaculture |
03 February 2008 |
Multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for ultra-wideband wireless communication: analysis, extensions and implementation aspects |
01 February 2008 |
Devilish straits: re-interpreting the source of Boundary Waters Treaty success |
31 January 2008 |
The effects of herbivory, competition, and disturbance on island meadows |
30 January 2008 |
Design of a self-paced brain computer interface system using features extracted from three neurological phenomena |
29 January 2008 |
Characterization of BphD, a C-C bond hydrolase involved in the degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls |
24 January 2008 |
Do Muslims make the difference: explaining variation on mosque building policies in Western Europe |
21 January 2008 |
Beyond the public-private binary: cooperatives as alternative water governance models |
16 January 2008 |
Advance care planning conversations: the family perspective |
16 January 2008 |
Secondary schooling for girls in rural Uganda: challenges, opportunities and emerging identities |
15 January 2008 |
Envisioning basketball: a socio-biographical investigation of Ruth Wilson - one of western Canada's sporting pioneers |
10 January 2008 |
Direct optimization of 3D dose distributions using collimator rotation |
08 January 2008 |
The albedo of an exoplanet: spacebased photometry of the transiting system HD 209458 |
07 January 2008 |
The way we see it: an analysis of economically disadvantaged young people's experiences and perceptions of social and economic health in their semi-rural community |
07 January 2008 |
A DSP based variable-speed induction motor drive for a revolving stage |
07 January 2008 |
Investigations of highly conjugated macrocycles and polymers for aggregation and chemical sensing |
06 January 2008 |
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy options for proton exchange membrane fuel cell diagnostics |
06 January 2008 |
Assisting bug report triage through recommendation |
06 January 2008 |
Case study for identification and evaluation of construction innovations: the Hotel Georgia project |
06 January 2008 |
Evolution of copper-containing nitrite reductase |
04 January 2008 |
The role of CD43 in the growth and pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis within the mammalian host |
04 January 2008 |
The greenhouse tomato industry in Delta, British Columbia |
04 January 2008 |
The evidence is in the telling: the words of women survivors of non-physical abuse in intimate partner relationships |
03 January 2008 |
An investigation of older Korean immigrants' perspectives on accessing primary health care |
03 January 2008 |
The role of Mullerian differentiation in epithelial ovarian carcinogenesis |
03 January 2008 |
Street network connectivity and local travel behaviour: assessing the relationship of travel outcomes to disparate pedestrian and vehicular street network connectivity |
03 January 2008 |
Investigation of effect of dynamic operational conditions on membrane fouling in a membrane enhanced biological phosphorus removal process |
03 January 2008 |
Influence of physical and biological habitat variables on juvenile salmonid and invertebrate drift abundance in southwest British Columbia streams |
02 January 2008 |