
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Form and function of expressive morphology: a case study of Russian 20 February 2008
Achieving predictable timing and fairness through cooperative polling 20 February 2008
Staying the course: the life stories of eight entrepreneurial women 20 February 2008
3D spherical harmonic invariant features for sensitive and robust quantitative shape and function analysis in brain MRI 20 February 2008
The company man: colonial agents and the idea of the virtuous empire, 1786-1901 20 February 2008
Stochastic optimization algorithms for adaptive modulation in software defined radio 20 February 2008
Characterization of an ethanologenic yeast inhibiting atypical galactose metabolism 20 February 2008
Genetic and genomic studies of mouse and human NR2E1 in cortical disorders, aggressive behaviour, and psychiatric disease 20 February 2008
Functionally relevant basal ganglia subdivisions in first-episode schizophrenia 19 February 2008
The impact of genetic variation in ABCA1 on cholesterol metabolism, atherosclerosis and diabetes 19 February 2008
Crossing the borders of a merchant class: imaging and representing elite status in the portraits of the Hong merchants of Canton 19 February 2008
Culturally responsive literacy instruction: a case study of a Fe y Alegria school in Bolivia 19 February 2008
Diet quality and season affect physiology and energetic priorities of captive Steller sea lions during and after periods of nutritional stress 19 February 2008
Movements of adult western toads, Bufo boreas, in a managed forest landscape and the incidence of a disease in southwestern British Columbia 19 February 2008
Multilevel multidimensional scaling on the GPU 19 February 2008
Beyond music sharing: an evaluation of peer-to-peer data dissemination techniques in large scientific collaborations 19 February 2008
Development and initial evaluation of wireless self-monitoring pneumatic compression sleeves for preventing deep vein thrombosis in surgical patients 19 February 2008
Dealing with measurement error in covariates with special reference to logistic regression model: a flexible parametric approach 19 February 2008
Early interaction between pseudomonas aeruginosa and polarized human bronchial epithelial cells 19 February 2008
Tartars at whose gates? Framing Russian identity through political adaptations of nineteenth-century French works by Astolphe de Custine and Jules Verne 18 February 2008
Roles of the P2X7 receptor in C6 astroglioma: in vitro and in vivo studies 18 February 2008
Impacts of great western development on agricultural production in the west of China 18 February 2008
Presidential signing statements as legislative strategy and the expansion of presidential power: an examination of the Bush II administration 18 February 2008
Workplace violence against registered nurses: an interpretive description 18 February 2008
Sex-specific changes in bone structure and strength during growth: pQCT analysis of the mid-tibia 18 February 2008
Tempered radicals and porous boundaries: the challenges and complexities of anti-harassment work in Canadian universities 17 February 2008
A bioinformatics meta-analysis of differentially expressed genes in colorectal cancer 17 February 2008
Population structure of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) In Atlin Lake, British Columbia and contributions to local fisheries: a microsatellite DNA-based assessment 17 February 2008
Lacome: a cross-platform multi-user collaboration system for a shared large display 17 February 2008
Bench-scale two-dimensional fluidized bed hydrodynamics and struvite growth studies 17 February 2008
Binary pulsars: evolution and fundamental physics 15 February 2008
Preventing vicarious traumatization of mental health therapists: identifying protective practices 15 February 2008
Socio-cultural conditions of Japan reflected by factors inducing recent Japanese immigration to Canada 15 February 2008
Convergence of European, indigenous and popular idioms in the works of Peruvian composer Enrique Iturriaga 15 February 2008
Biological studies of organellar (Na⁺,K⁺)/H⁺ exchanger NHE7 15 February 2008
Immunostimulatory properties and mechanisms of action of encapsulated methylated cpg oligodeoxynucleotides 15 February 2008
Coordinated regulation of the snail family of transcription factors by the notch and tgf-0 pathways during heart development 15 February 2008
The concept of authenticity in Heidegger's Being and Time: thoughts and revisions on a critical theme 14 February 2008
Development of new tools to study drug-lipid interactions and their application to investigating amphotericin b's association with model cell membranes 14 February 2008
Transforming law's family: the legal recognition of planned lesbian families 14 February 2008
Comparative studies on the financial holding company laws and practices in the U.S. and Taiwan 14 February 2008
Liberal environmentalism and the international law of hazardous chemicals 14 February 2008
Autoignition and emission characteristics of gaseous fuel direct-injection compression-ignition combustion 14 February 2008
Social capital and sustainability in a Newfoundland fishing community 14 February 2008
"How are we doing?" Exploring aboriginal representation in texts and aboriginal programs in Surrey secondary schools 14 February 2008
Participatory inclusion in the refugee resettlement process 14 February 2008
From student academic to computer specialist: co-construction of student identity and a school computer-network 14 February 2008
Persons and partiality: limitations on consequentialist justifications 14 February 2008
Characterization of xtcl mutant with reduced cuticular wax accumulation 14 February 2008
College students with learning disabilities: a developmental perspective on conceptions of learning, learning disability, and others in learning 14 February 2008
