Form and function of expressive morphology: a case study of Russian |
20 February 2008 |
Achieving predictable timing and fairness through cooperative polling |
20 February 2008 |
Staying the course: the life stories of eight entrepreneurial women |
20 February 2008 |
3D spherical harmonic invariant features for sensitive and robust quantitative shape and function analysis in brain MRI |
20 February 2008 |
The company man: colonial agents and the idea of the virtuous empire, 1786-1901 |
20 February 2008 |
Stochastic optimization algorithms for adaptive modulation in software defined radio |
20 February 2008 |
Characterization of an ethanologenic yeast inhibiting atypical galactose metabolism |
20 February 2008 |
Genetic and genomic studies of mouse and human NR2E1 in cortical disorders, aggressive behaviour, and psychiatric disease |
20 February 2008 |
Functionally relevant basal ganglia subdivisions in first-episode schizophrenia |
19 February 2008 |
The impact of genetic variation in ABCA1 on cholesterol metabolism, atherosclerosis and diabetes |
19 February 2008 |
Crossing the borders of a merchant class: imaging and representing elite status in the portraits of the Hong merchants of Canton |
19 February 2008 |
Culturally responsive literacy instruction: a case study of a Fe y Alegria school in Bolivia |
19 February 2008 |
Diet quality and season affect physiology and energetic priorities of captive Steller sea lions during and after periods of nutritional stress |
19 February 2008 |
Movements of adult western toads, Bufo boreas, in a managed forest landscape and the incidence of a disease in southwestern British Columbia |
19 February 2008 |
Multilevel multidimensional scaling on the GPU |
19 February 2008 |
Beyond music sharing: an evaluation of peer-to-peer data dissemination techniques in large scientific collaborations |
19 February 2008 |
Development and initial evaluation of wireless self-monitoring pneumatic compression sleeves for preventing deep vein thrombosis in surgical patients |
19 February 2008 |
Dealing with measurement error in covariates with special reference to logistic regression model: a flexible parametric approach |
19 February 2008 |
Early interaction between pseudomonas aeruginosa and polarized human bronchial epithelial cells |
19 February 2008 |
Tartars at whose gates? Framing Russian identity through political adaptations of nineteenth-century French works by Astolphe de Custine and Jules Verne |
18 February 2008 |
Roles of the P2X7 receptor in C6 astroglioma: in vitro and in vivo studies |
18 February 2008 |
Impacts of great western development on agricultural production in the west of China |
18 February 2008 |
Presidential signing statements as legislative strategy and the expansion of presidential power: an examination of the Bush II administration |
18 February 2008 |
Workplace violence against registered nurses: an interpretive description |
18 February 2008 |
Sex-specific changes in bone structure and strength during growth: pQCT analysis of the mid-tibia |
18 February 2008 |
Tempered radicals and porous boundaries: the challenges and complexities of anti-harassment work in Canadian universities |
17 February 2008 |
A bioinformatics meta-analysis of differentially expressed genes in colorectal cancer |
17 February 2008 |
Population structure of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) In Atlin Lake, British Columbia and contributions to local fisheries: a microsatellite DNA-based assessment |
17 February 2008 |
Lacome: a cross-platform multi-user collaboration system for a shared large display |
17 February 2008 |
Bench-scale two-dimensional fluidized bed hydrodynamics and struvite growth studies |
17 February 2008 |
Binary pulsars: evolution and fundamental physics |
15 February 2008 |
Preventing vicarious traumatization of mental health therapists: identifying protective practices |
15 February 2008 |
Socio-cultural conditions of Japan reflected by factors inducing recent Japanese immigration to Canada |
15 February 2008 |
Convergence of European, indigenous and popular idioms in the works of Peruvian composer Enrique Iturriaga |
15 February 2008 |
Biological studies of organellar (Na⁺,K⁺)/H⁺ exchanger NHE7 |
15 February 2008 |
Immunostimulatory properties and mechanisms of action of encapsulated methylated cpg oligodeoxynucleotides |
15 February 2008 |
Coordinated regulation of the snail family of transcription factors by the notch and tgf-0 pathways during heart development |
15 February 2008 |
The concept of authenticity in Heidegger's Being and Time: thoughts and revisions on a critical theme |
14 February 2008 |
Development of new tools to study drug-lipid interactions and their application to investigating amphotericin b's association with model cell membranes |
14 February 2008 |
Transforming law's family: the legal recognition of planned lesbian families |
14 February 2008 |
Comparative studies on the financial holding company laws and practices in the U.S. and Taiwan |
14 February 2008 |
Liberal environmentalism and the international law of hazardous chemicals |
14 February 2008 |
Autoignition and emission characteristics of gaseous fuel direct-injection compression-ignition combustion |
14 February 2008 |
Social capital and sustainability in a Newfoundland fishing community |
14 February 2008 |
"How are we doing?" Exploring aboriginal representation in texts and aboriginal programs in Surrey secondary schools |
14 February 2008 |
Participatory inclusion in the refugee resettlement process |
14 February 2008 |
From student academic to computer specialist: co-construction of student identity and a school computer-network |
14 February 2008 |
Persons and partiality: limitations on consequentialist justifications |
14 February 2008 |
Characterization of xtcl mutant with reduced cuticular wax accumulation |
14 February 2008 |
College students with learning disabilities: a developmental perspective on conceptions of learning, learning disability, and others in learning |
14 February 2008 |