Science Education

Science Education offer students opportunities to pursue a wide range of research and professional interests in the areas of science education, including teacher education, learning and teaching at elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels and in diverse contexts, such as museums and other institutions and technology-enhanced settings.


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Faculty Members in Science Education

Name Research Interests
Anderson, David Curriculum, pedagogy and didactics; Science, technology and engineering curriculum, pedagogy and didactics; Specialized studies in education; Cultural Institutions (Museums, Libraries, etc.); Informal Learning; Long-term Memory; Metacognition; Museum Education; Nostalgia; Science Education; Visitor Studies
Khan, Samia science education, teaching and learning, cognition, digital technology, learning space design, case study, higher education, Educational Technologies, Science Education, Teacher Education
Milner-Bolotin, Marina Curriculum, pedagogy and didactics; Science, technology and engineering curriculum, pedagogy and didactics; Specialized studies in education; Educational Technologies; educational innovation; Educational technology; physics education; STEM education; STEM teacher education; Science and Knowledge; teacher education; Teacher and Student Performance Evaluation; Teaching; Teaching and Learning Systems; Technological Innovations
Nashon, Samson Curriculum design; high school physics; primary science; teacher education; science teacher education; physics teacher education and classroom instructions, Action Research, Curriculum Studies, Metacognition and Learning, Pedagogy, Research Design and Method, Science Education, Teacher Education, Ways of Knowing
Tan, Yuen Sze Michelle Science Education, Outdoor Education and learning, collaborative teacher inquiry, and teacher education; equipping teachers (both pre- and in-service teachers) with innovative pedagogical tools to support learning, both for science learners and beyond the domains of science; teachers

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