Geological Sciences
UBC and the Province of British Columbia offer exceptional opportunity for combined field and laboratory research. The Canadian Cordillera offers research opportunities in:
- petrology of intrusive and volcanic rocks of many kinds, and of metamorphic rocks of all grades
- structural studies of complex metamorphic terrains exposed in three dimensions
- metalliferous deposits of varied genetic types
- mineral exploration methods; mineralogy associated with many different environments
- complexly folded and faulted successions of bedded rocks in the mountain belts and plateaus, and in virtually undisturbed coal- and gas-bearing strata of the north-eastern province
- numerous problems of engineering, environmental geology-related to water, slope stability, natural geological hazards, and hydrogeology (lakes, fjords, deltas, tidal flats, continental shelf, and oceanic depths provide a wide range of aquatic environments for students interested in sedimentology, geochemistry, biostratigraphy, and geological oceanography)
Explore our Programs in Geological Sciences
Faculty Members in Geological Sciences
Name | Research Interests |
Ameli, Ali | Geology; Climate Changes and Impacts; Ground Water and Water Tables; Groundwater Ecohydrology; Groundwater-Surfacewater & land Interaction; Hydro-geological Engineering; Hydrological Cycle; Numerical analysis; Watershed Management |
Barker, Shaun | |
Beckie, Roger | Other environmental engineering and related engineering; Hydrogeology; Mine drainage; physical hydrogeology; groundwater geochemistry; groundwater contamination |
Bustin, Robert Marc | Unconventional Petroleum Reservoirs |
Chritz, Kendra | Anthropocene, Onset, tempo, and trajectory of human impacts on biological processes and environmental change |
Crowe, Sean | Geobiology, biogeochemistry, microbial evolution |
d'Arcy, Mitch | Earth and related environmental sciences; Geomorphology; Climate/palaeoclimate; Sedimentology; Geochronology; remote sensing |
Eberhardt, Erik | Geotechnical engineering; Mining engineering; Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering; Deep Underground Excavations; Rock Slope Engineering; Block Cave Mining |
Groat, Lee | Mineralogy and crystallography (except soil mineralogy and chemicals aspects of crystallography); Inorganic geochemistry; Economic geology; mineralogy; crystal chemistry; Geochemistry; economic geology; gem deposits; pegmatites |
Hickey, Kenneth | understand the processes involved in the genesis of mineral deposits from a multidisciplinary perspective; Post-mineralization weathering, denudation and subsequent burial of Carlin-type Au-mineralization at the Cortez Hills deposit: Implications for finding Au-deposits in bedrock under cover. |
Jellinek, Mark | Volcanology, Geodynamics, Planetary Science, Geological Fluid Mechanics |
Johnson, Mark | Geology; Natural environment sciences; Agriculture; Biogeochemistry; Carbon cycle; Climate Changes and Impacts; data science; Ecohydrology; Ecology and Quality of the Environment; Fresh Water; Ground Water and Water Tables; Hydrological Cycle and Reservoirs; Land and Soil; land use; Running Water Hydrosystem; Water and Sustainability |
Kopylova, Maya | diamond ore deposits, Diamond exploration, petrology and volcanology |
Lukes, Laura | Earth and related environmental sciences; Psychology and cognitive sciences; Education; Geoscience Education Research (Discipline-Based Education Research); Self-regulated Learning; field-based experiential learning; learning in informal settings (e.g., museums, parks, science centers); crowdsourced and citizen science; teacher beliefs; motivation, emotion, and beliefs in learning; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in STEM; learning engineering |
Mayer, Ulrich | Geology; groundwater contamination; groundwater remediation; hydrogeology; low-temperature geochemistry; mine waste management |
McDougall, Scott | Other earth and related environmental sciences, n.e.c.; Geotechnical engineering; Debris flows / floods; Geohazards; Landslide-generated waves; Landslides; Natural and man-made geological hazards; Rock avalanches; Shoreline erosion; Tailings dam breaches |
Peacock, Simon | Natural sciences; metamorphic petrology; Tectonics; earthquakes |
Russell, Kelly | Physical sciences; volcanology; petrology; magma rheology; geochemical thermodynamics |
Saylor, Joel Edward | Paleoaltimetry; Paleoclimatology; Tectonic Basin analysis; Quantitative sediment provenance analysis; Rivers; Tectonics; Sedimentary Basins; Structural Geology; Field Geology; Sedimentology; Stratigraphy; Sequence Stratigraphy; Sediments; Geology |
Scoates, James | Igneous petrology; Geochronology; Economic geology; magmatic evolution; layered intrusions; flood basalts; large igneous provinces; Proterozoic anorthosites; magmatic ore deposits |
Smit, Matthijs | 1) timing and duration of |
Tarling, Matthew | structure, deformation behaviour & evolution of large faults and shear zones over the seismic cycle; Geology; Geophysics; Mineral Deposits |
Weis, Dominique | Isotope geochemistry; Environmental geochemistry; Earth Structure and Composition; Geodynamics; Chemical Pollutants; Earth Sciences; Geochemistry; High-precision/sensitivity geochemical analyses; Indigenous studies; Oceanic islands and mantle plumes |