BPOC Graduate Excellence Award


Likely in January 2025

Annual Value

Various, minimum $1,500


Permanent Resident

Degree Level


Awards have been made available by the University of British Columbia for outstanding graduate students who identify as Black or as a Person of Colour, with preference for domestic students and for incoming research Master’s students. The award is intended to recognize excellence in research and scholarly performance by BPOC (Black and People of Colour) graduate students and to address systemic barriers they experience in their training.

The minimum value of each award is $1,500. Funds are allocated to disciplinary Faculties and graduate programs, who recommend their awardees and award amounts to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.  

Departments: Please refer to the GSI Guidelines for policies regarding the carry-forward of funding (BPOC follows the GSI guidelines regarding carry-forward).



  • Awards are available to students who self-identify as Black or a Person of Colour.
    • Effective fall 2022, the eVision graduate admission application includes a question allowing applicants to self-identify and to indicate their desire to be considered for related award funding (please see "Further Information" below for details).
  • Students in course-based professional Master’s programs and programs not administered by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies  are not eligible.
  • Awards may be offered with a start date of May, September or January of the following year.
  • Preference is to be given to students in priority order as outlined in the following table:
Priority Incoming/ Continuing Master's / Doctoral Domestic / International
1 Incoming Master's Domestic
2 Incoming Master's International
3 Incoming Doctoral Domestic
4 Incoming Doctoral International
5 Continuing Master's Domestic
6 Continuing Master's International
7 Continuing Doctoral Domestic
8 Continuing Doctoral International

Evaluation Criteria

Students will be evaluated on the basis of their past academic achievement and research potential, according to the specific expectations of their discipline and based on information provided in their admission application.

Application Procedures

BPOC award allocations are made to disciplinary Faculties based on graduate enrolment, who in turn allocate those funds amongst their graduate programs. Students should refer questions regarding funding criteria and amounts to their graduate program or Faculty. There is no central application form for this award; students will be considered by their graduate programs on the basis of their admission application materials.

Nomination Procedures

Funds will be allocated to disciplinary Faculties and graduate programs in January. Faculties and graduate programs will recommend their awardees and award amounts to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies using the University Award Recommendation Form (award #6848). Awards may be offered for May 2023 onward.

Further Information

In the eVision graduate application form, applicants may choose to answer the optional question listed below. Applicants' reponses to this question are included in the export reports available to graduate program staff via their eVision administrative portal.

Racialized Identity: UBC is dedicated to supporting the success of students identifying as belonging to racialized groups. The university is developing programs and services for racialized students, including financial awards. Self-identifying as a person belonging to a racialized group enables us to connect you with these programs and services at UBC.

Do you identify as a racialized person (i.e., members of racialized groups are persons who do not identify as Indigenous persons of Canada and who do not identify as white in ethnicity, origin and/or colour, regardless of their birthplace or citizenship) and would you like to be considered for award funding and other support for racialized students? YES / NO


For further information, contact graduate.awards@ubc.ca.   


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