Peter Lansdorp

Prospective Graduate Students / Postdocs

This faculty member is currently not actively recruiting graduate students or Postdoctoral Fellows, but might consider co-supervision together with another faculty member.


Research Classification

Research Interests

Application of single cell Strand-seq in precision medicine
Applied Genetics
cellular aging
Cellular Degeneration
Cellular Division
Complex Trait Genetics
DNA replication, epigenetics and stem cells
Gene Regulation and Expression
Genetic Diseases
Stem Cells and Organogenesis
Telomeres, genomic instability, aging and cancer

Relevant Thesis-Based Degree Programs

Research Options

I am available and interested in collaborations (e.g. clusters, grants).
I am interested in and conduct interdisciplinary research.

Research Methodology

Single Cell Strand-seq

Graduate Student Supervision

Doctoral Student Supervision

Dissertations completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest dissertations.

Unravelling RecQ helicase function in genome stability using Strand-seq (2022)

Helicases are a highly conserved family of motor proteins responsible for interacting with and unwinding canonical and non-canonical DNA and RNA structures. The RecQ class of helicases, known to suppress illegitimate recombination, are implicated in aging and cancer with four of the five human RecQ helicases directly linked to genome instability syndromes characterized in some cases by strong cancer predisposition or premature aging. While no human disease has been associated with the RECQL5 helicase, loss of this gene in cells is known to result in elevated double strand breaks (DSBs) and sister chromatid exchange events (SCEs), a phenotype of genome instability similar to what is observed in RecQ helicase-linked diseases of strong cancer predisposition. Until recently, studying SCEs has been limited to cytogenetic assays that map at megabase resolution. I used single cell template strand sequencing (Strand-seq) to map SCEs as changes in template strand orientation before and after loss of RECQL5 at kilobase resolution. I generated over 20 single and double knockout models for RECQL5 as well as BLM, WRN and RECQL1 helicases using CRISPR-Cas9 in the human haploid cell line, KBM7, and mapped SCEs to the genome using custom bioinformatic approaches to improve resolution and accuracy of SCE detection. I performed enrichment analysis to show SCEs are frequently occurring near actively transcribed genes with guanine quadruplexes (G4s) and common fragile sites further supporting the role of these helicase genes in suppressing inappropriate recombination at specific genomic elements. I also developed novel bioinformatic approaches to generate genotype-specific call sets for copy number alterations (CNAs), inversions, and translocations. Uncovering the role of DNA helicases in DNA repair and replication pathways is critical for understanding their significance in cancer and aging. Stand-seq offers a unique method to study helicases by mapping the location of SCEs arising in their absence.

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Mapping Structural Rearrangements in Single Cells by Template Strand Sequencing to Explore Inversions in the Human Genome (2016)

Studies of genome heterogeneity and plasticity aim to resolve how genomic features underlie phenotypes and disease susceptibilities. Identifying genomic features that differ between individuals and cells can help uncover the functional variants that drive specific biological outcomes. For this, single cell studies are paramount, as characterizing the contribution of rare but functional cellular subpopulations is important for disease prognosis, management and progression. Until now, these studies have been challenged by our inability to map structural variants accurately and comprehensively. To overcome this, I employed the template strand sequencing method, Strand-seq, to preserve the organization and structure of individual homologues and visualize structural rearrangements in single cells. Using Strand-seq, I monitored homologue states in human genomes to quantify the degree of somatic rearrangements, and distinguished these from recurrent structural variants, such as inherited inversions. In so doing, I created an innovative tool to rapidly discover, map, and genotype structural polymorphisms with unprecedented resolution. Next, to facilitate systematic analyses of Strand-seq data, I developed novel bioinformatic software that locates putative genomic rearrangements in singles cells and identifies recurrent rearrangements across multiple cells. This provides an essential instrument for unbiased and non-targeted structural variant discovery in a high-throughput approach, helping to scale Strand-seq for population-based studies. Applying these tools, I explored the distribution and frequency of structural variation in a heterogeneous cell population to discover and genotype over 100 inversions in the human genome. I found significant structural heterogeneity resides in definable polymorphic domains and within complex and repetitive regions of our genome. Finally, I extended my strategy to comprehensively map the complete set of inversions in an individual’s genome and define their unique invertome. Comparing two invertomes, I found sets of inversions can be combined to make predictions about ancestry and health of an individual, and I characterized the architectural features of inversion breakpoints with base-pair resolution. Taken together, I describe a powerful new framework to study structural rearrangements and genomic heterogeneity in single cell samples, whether from individuals for population studies, or tissues for biomarker discovery.

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In vivo detection of G-quadruplex nucleic acids using monoclonal antibodies (2012)

G-quadruplex nucleic acids are a group of nucleic acids formed from the non-Watson-Crick base pairing of guanine nucleic acids. They can readily form at physiological pH and physiological temperatures within sufficiently long stretches of guanine-rich oligonucleotides. Although, the existence of the G-quartet (the fundamental unit of a G-quadruplex) in a Petri dish has been recognized since the early 60’s, the existence of G-quadruplex nucleic acids in mammalian cells remains unclear. Yet while unequivocal evidence of the existence of G-quadruplex nucleic acids in live cells remains unclear, interest in these potentially important biological structures continues to intensify. G-quadruplex nucleic acids have been suggested to play key roles in essential human molecular pathways including telomere biology, transcriptional regulation and disease development. One of the major obstacles in G-quadruplex nucleic acid research is a lack of tools for the in vivo detection of these structures.In our work, we have harnessed hybridoma technology to produce the first monoclonal antibodies to these unique nucleic acid structures. To our knowledge, these are the first hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies obtained through the immunization of mice with purified and validated G-quadruplex structures. Monoclonal antibodies have been approved for use in diagnostic tests and for therapeutic treatments in both cancer and autoimmune diseases, and continue to be very effective laboratory research tools. Using monoclonal antibodies to different G-quadruplex nucleic acids we have explored the existence of G-quadruplex nucleic acids in mammalian cells. One of our antibodies, termed 1H6, forms discrete nuclear foci in human and murine cells and strong nuclear staining in most cells of human tissues. Based on the specificity of the antibodies for defined G-quadruplex structures in vitro, these foci could represent the detection of G-quadruplex nucleic acid structures in mammalian cells. If so, the work presented here provides the first direct evidence for the existence of G-quadruplex nucleic acid structures in human cells.

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Telomere Resolution and Genomic Instability in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (2012)

Proper segregation of replicated chromosomes is essential for cell division in all organisms. Linear eukaryotic chromosomes contain specialized protective structures at the chromosome ends, called telomeres, which are essential for maintaining genome stability. Telomere associations have been observed during key cellular processes including mitosis, meiosis and carcinogenesis. These telomere associations need to be resolved prior to cell division to avoid loss of telomere function. TRF1, a core component of the telomere protein complex shelterin, has been implicated as a mediator of telomere associations. To determine the effect of TRF1 protein levels on telomere associations, we used live-cell fluorescence microscopy to visualize telomeres and chromosome dynamics in cells expressing defined levels of TRF1. Elevated levels of TRF1 induced anaphase bridges containing thin “thread-like” stretches of TRF1 foci connecting segregating chromosomes. We also observed telomere aggregates, mitotic bypass, and TRF1 bridges persisting into the following cell cycle. To examine the role of TRF1 in these telomere associations, we generated a TRF1 protein which can be inducibly cleaved by TEV protease. Telomere aggregates appeared to resolve upon cleavage of TRF1 proteins, suggesting that telomere associations result primarily from protein interactions mediated by TRF1. The essential helicase RTEL1 was observed at the extremities of persistent TRF1 bridges, possibly indicating a function for RTEL1 in the resolution of TRF1-induced telomere associations. Taken together, our results demonstrate that precise regulation of TRF1 levels is essential for telomere resolution and mitotic segregation.

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Flow cytometry analysis and sorting of chromosomes following hybridization with fluorescent probes that target specific DNA repeat sequences (2011)

Traditional cytogenetic approaches allow analysis of the chromosomal composition (karyotype) of mitotic cells fixed on slides cells by microscopy. The combination of karyotyping and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) enables the detection of specific target sequences on individual chromosomes. Disadvantages are that traditional cytogenetic approaches are very labor and time consuming and that chromosome specific information from only a few dozen cells has poor statistical power. An alternative is flow karyotyping, a method to analyze chromosomes in suspension by flow cytometry. For flow karyotyping, the DNA composition of specific chromosomes in suspension is measured based on the DNA-specific dyes Hoechst 33258 (HO) and Chromomycin A3 (CA3). My thesis work has focused on the development of a new method to analyze and sort chromosomes using FISH with labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes on chromosomes in suspension. I found that, following FISH, flow karyotyping can be used to detect and quantify repetitive DNA sequences within individual chromosomes. Using chromosome flow FISH (CFF), chromosomes isolated from cells of various species were hybridized to PNA probes and analyzed by flow cytometry. CFF was used to detect a variety of repeats; interstitial telomeric sequences in Chinese Hamster chromosomes, major satellite in mouse chromosomes and D18Z1 alpha satellite repeats in human chromosomes. Quantitative measurements of repeat length by CFF were validated by comparison with measurements obtained using Q-FISH. We found that parental homologs of human chromosome 18 with different D18Z1 satellite repeat array size could be purified using CFF and Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). Illumina short read sequencing of libraries built from these purified chromosomes enabled us to determine, with a high resolution, the allelic phasing of each homolog over the entire chromosome 18. Finally, CFF was modified to study sister chromatids separately. Using a cell model with inducible separation of sister chromatids, flow karyograms were generated. Using chromosome orientation FISH (CO-FISH) in suspension, we could identify sister chromatids according to the presence of DNA template strands. We anticipate that this approach will allow the purification of sister chromatids to study epigenetic differences between sister chromatids defined on the basis of DNA template strands.

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Master's Student Supervision

Theses completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest theses.

Analysis of single telomeres using fluorescence microscopy (2021)

Eukaryotic chromosome ends are protected by special DNA structures known as telomeres. In mammals the DNA of telomeres consist of TTAGGG repeats which, in cooperation with specialized proteins, “cap” the ends of chromosomes to protect the chromosomes from end-to-end fusion and erosion. Thus, telomeres are important to maintain chromosome stability and play a vital role in preserving the information in our genome. A key factor of telomeric function is the length of the telomeres. Short and dysfunctional telomeres with less than a few dozen repeats are associated with genomic instability and tumorigenesis. Furthermore, loss of telomere function is implicated in numerous diseases like bone marrow failure, hematological malignancies and other cancers. There is a substantial body of evidence indicating that the average length of telomeres can provide prognostic information in human diseases. However, limitations in the currently available technologies for detecting and measuring the length of telomeres has hampered progress in translating telomere length assays into clinical practice. Additionally, many questions about the relation between telomere length and telomere function remain to be answered. Consequently, novel approaches to study single telomeres are of significant interest. In this study, I investigated two cutting-edge technologies to assess properties of telomeres. I used quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization (Q-FISH) to identify the length of telomeres based on fluorescence values. Using Q-FISH, I was able to generate DNA measurements using plasmids with different size telomeric inserts that served as a reference for length quantifications taken on different platforms. Also, I initiated explorations of a novel high-throughput method to study physical properties of single telomeres and, potentially, measure the length of telomere repeats. Convex Lens-induced Confinement technique (CLiC) is a technique developed to image individual biological molecules and study their dynamics. Using the CLiC platform, I sought to define the length of plasmid DNA based on diffusion coefficient values. My work has set the stage for others to explore the CLiC platform to study properties of telomeres including biological properties as well as their length. The latter can possibly be used as a prognostic tool in bone marrow failure, hematological malignancies and other disorders.

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A bioinformatic workflow to analyze single cell template strand sequencing data (2020)

Structural variants (SVs) contribute greater diversity at the nucleotide level between two human genomes than any other form of genetic variation and are three-fold more likely to correlate in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) than single nucleotide variants (SNVs). Using short-read, high-throughput sequencing technologies to uncover such variation has proven to be troublesome and the methods to detect SVs depend on indirect inferences. However, while larger (>5kb) copy number variations (CNVs) could be characterized using read-depth-based algorithms, this approach often fails for smaller and balanced events. Another fundamental problem for detection of SVs from short-read sequencing is inherent to the predominant data type and typical SV detection algorithm that is effective in unique sequences often fails within complex genomic regions, which have been proven to be highly enriched for SVs. In addition, most SV discovery methods do not indicate the haplotype-origin for a given SV and require parental sequencing for this information. For a more complete description and interpretation of human genomic information in relation to phenotypes such as e.g. cancer predisposition and response to therapies, it will, therefore, be necessary to arrange sequence data into parental haplotypes and ascertain polymorphic inversions with respect to such haplotypes. All this can be achieved using Strand-seq. Strand-seq complements other sequencing approaches by providing crucial information about the genetic make-up of individuals that cannot be obtained in any other way. To make Strand-seq available for human studies worldwide is an immense challenge. Library construction, as well as data analysis, needs to be further developed, integrated and made user-friendly to allow accurate and rapid interpretation of results. Here we present a custom bioinformatics pipeline for analyzing Strand-seq data that streamlines the workflow of raw sequence read alignment, putative variant calling, variant call refinement and haplotype assembly by integrating current available Strand-seq specific tools. In addition, relevant metric data are compiled and visualized, ensuring and reinforcing the potential of Strand-seq as a robust sequencing method for uncovering clinically significant SVs and the assembly of WGH without additional parental genomic data.

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Mapping complex genomic translocations using Strand-seq (2018)

Template strand sequencing (Strand-seq) is a single cell sequencing approach which maintains 5’ -> 3’ directionality of sequence reads. I hypothesized that the directional information preserved can be used to map complex translocation events. Translocations often disrupt gene expression by reshuffling regulatory elements or by formation of novel fusion transcripts. Yet, detection is often difficult, confounded by complexities of the Structural Variations (SVs). I chose a cell line derived from a patient with pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (iALL) with a known complex karyotype. My aim was to explore Strand-seq’s ability in identifying breakpoints, linking translocation partners and resolving the configuration of SV, comparing low coverage Strand-seq data against high coverage Whole Genome Sequence (WGS) data as reference.The iALL cells selected for my study harbor complex translocations involving 4 chromosomes with 5 breakpoint positions that were previously validated by Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH). BreakpointR, a novel pipeline for Strand-seq analysis, was able to identify 18 breakpoints, 5 which were isolated for further analysis. These 5 breakpoints were identified with a resolution of 5-60kb, overlapping with the genomic positions of breakpoints identified by WGS analysis, validating the accuracy of BreakpointR. Despite the lower sequencing coverage of Strand-seq, 18 breakpoints were detected against WGS’s 119 breakpoints.Next, I developed a workflow to link translocation partners involved in the breakpoints, successfully linking 4 of 5 translocation partners; the final fragment remained unresolved due to lack of reads within the genomic interval, a limitation of low sequence coverage. By comparison, WGS successfully linked 4 of 5 translocation partners, its limitations of mapping across repetitive regions resulting in a different unresolved fragment.Post-translocation-partner matching and single cell resolution from Strand-seq allowed us to further interrogate expected breakpoints for each single cell. Strand-seq analysis identified an inversion of the 100kb fragment in chromosome 11, validated with Sanger sequencing, representing an additional layer of complexity not identified by the other approaches. I conclude that the application of Strand-seq should be further explored in the areas of SV mapping as it has been proven useful for complementing the inherent difficulties of complex SV mapping across repetitive regions.

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Telomere Length and Dynamics in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (2011)

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) is a premature aging disorder caused by mutations in the gene LMNA, which encodes the nuclear matrix protein, Lamin A. Lamin A is found predominantly at the nuclear periphery but also throughout the nucleus in a ‘nucleoplasmic veil’. The majority of HGPS patients have a single nucleotide mutation (1824 C→T) which results in the activation of a cryptic donor splice site causing a 150 nucleotide deletion in the mRNA and consequently a 50 amino acid in-frame deletion in the protein. The mutation results in aberrant processing and nuclear localization of the Lamin A protein. HGPS cells are characterized by misshapen nuclei, chromatin disorganization, accumulation of mutant Lamin A, short telomeres, DNA damage recruitment defect and early senescence.To measure the telomere length of individual chromosomes, Quantitative Fluorescence in-situ Hybridization was used. The average telomere length in HGPS fibroblasts was greatly decreased compared to controls as well as highly variable. In contrast, the telomere length in hematopoietic cells which do not express LMNA was within the normal range for three out of four HGPS patient samples. These results suggest that mutant Lamin A decreases telomere length via a direct effect and that expression of mutant LMNA is necessary for telomere loss in HGPS.Three different aspects of telomere biology were investigated: localization, mobility and attachment to the matrix. Telomeres were more localized to the nuclear periphery in HGPS fibroblasts than in wild type fibroblasts as well as having abnormal localization in regards to euchromatin/heterochromatin. To examine mobility, fluorescently tagged proteins were constructed to examine interactions between wild type and mutant Lamin A and telomeres during live cell imaging. Long telomeres in cells with the mutant protein did not move the same distance as those in wild type cells. Mutant Lamin A did not bind DNA with the same affinity as the wild type Lamin A did.These investigations show that telomeres and telomere dynamics are altered in HGPS cells. This is likely contributing to aspects of the pathology of the disease and would need to be taken into consideration in any therapeutic approach.

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  • Construction of Strand-seq libraries in open nanoliter arrays. (2022)
    Cell reports methods,
  • Mapping of sister chromatid exchange events and genome alterations in single cells (2022)
    Methods, 204, 64--72
  • Parent-of-origin detection and chromosome-scale haplotyping using long-read DNA methylation sequencing and Strand-seq (2022)
  • Sex differences in telomere length, lifespan, and embryonic dyskerin levels (2022)
    Aging Cell,
  • Telomere Length Regulation. (2022)
    Frontiers in oncology,
  • Telomeres, aging, and cancer: the big picture (2022)
  • InvertypeR: Bayesian inversion genotyping with Strand-seq data (2021)
    BMC Genomics, 22 (1)
  • Monosomies, trisomies and segmental aneuploidies differentially affect chromosomal stability (2021)
  • breakpointR: an R/Bioconductor package to localize strand state changes in Strand-seq data. (2020)
    Bioinformatics (Oxford, England),
  • Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells in the Diagnostic Leukapheresis Product of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients Comparing CellSearch® and ISET. (2020)
  • Fully phased human genome assembly without parental data using single-cell strand sequencing and long reads. (2020)
    Nature biotechnology,
  • MRLR: unraveling high-resolution meiotic recombination by linked reads. (2020)
    Bioinformatics (Oxford, England),
  • RECQL5 at the Intersection of Replication and Transcription. (2020)
    Frontiers in cell and developmental biology,
  • Sperm DNA damage causes genomic instability in early embryonic development. (2020)
    Science advances,
  • The effects of common structural variants on 3D chromatin structure. (2020)
    BMC genomics,
  • Analysis of Released Circulating Tumor Cells During Surgery for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. (2019)
    Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research,
  • Helicases FANCJ, RTEL1 and BLM Act on Guanine Quadruplex DNA in Vivo. (2019)
  • Human-specific tandem repeat expansion and differential gene expression during primate evolution. (2019)
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
  • Improved assembly and variant detection of a haploid human genome using single-molecule, high-fidelity long reads. (2019)
    Annals of human genetics,
  • Multi-platform discovery of haplotype-resolved structural variation in human genomes. (2019)
    Nature communications,
  • Ongoing chromosomal instability and karyotype evolution in human colorectal cancer organoids. (2019)
    Nature genetics,
  • Quantification of Aneuploidy in Mammalian Systems. (2019)
    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.),
  • BLM helicase suppresses recombination at G-quadruplex motifs in transcribed genes. (2018)
    Nature communications,
  • Assembling draft genomes using contiBAIT. (2017)
    Bioinformatics (Oxford, England),
  • Centrosome Amplification Is Sufficient to Promote Spontaneous Tumorigenesis in Mammals. (2017)
    Developmental cell,
  • Copy number alterations assessed at the single-cell level revealed mono- and polyclonal seeding patterns of distant metastasis in a small-cell lung cancer patient. (2017)
    Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology,
  • Defects in lymphocyte telomere homeostasis contribute to cellular immune phenotype in patients with cartilage-hair hypoplasia. (2017)
    The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology,
  • Deletion of the MAD2L1 spindle assembly checkpoint gene is tolerated in mouse models of acute T-cell lymphoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. (2017)
  • Dense and accurate whole-chromosome haplotyping of individual genomes. (2017)
    Nature communications,
  • Detection of G-quadruplex DNA in mammalian cells. (2017)
    Nucleic acids research, 42, 860-869
  • Double-strand breaks are not the main cause of spontaneous sister chromatid exchange in wild-type yeast cells (2017)
  • Genome-wide mapping of sister chromatid exchange events in single yeast cells using Strand-seq. (2017)
  • Guanine quadruplex monoclonal antibody 1H6 cross-reacts with restrained thymidine-rich single stranded DNA. (2017)
    Nucleic acids research,
  • Guanine quadruplex structures localize to heterochromatin. (2017)
    Nucleic acids research,
  • Maintenance of telomere length in AML. (2017)
    Blood advances,
  • p53 Prohibits Propagation of Chromosome Segregation Errors that Produce Structural Aneuploidies. (2017)
    Cell Reports,
  • Single-cell sequencing to quantify genomic integrity in cancer. (2017)
    The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology,
  • Single-cell template strand sequencing by Strand-seq enables the characterization of individual homologs. (2017)
    Nature protocols,
  • Bromodeoxyuridine does not contribute to sister chromatid exchange events in normal or Bloom syndrome cells. (2016)
    Nucleic acids research,
  • Characterizing polymorphic inversions in human genomes by single-cell sequencing. (2016)
    Genome Research,
  • Direct chromosome-length haplotyping by single-cell sequencing (2016)
    Genome Research, 26 (11), 1565--1574
  • Single-cell sequencing reveals karyotype heterogeneity in murine and human malignancies. (2016)
    Genome biology,
  • Single-cell whole genome sequencing reveals no evidence for common aneuploidy in normal and Alzheimer's disease neurons. (2016)
    Genome biology,
  • Telomeres on Steroids--Turning Back the Mitotic Clock? (2016)
    The New England journal of medicine,
  • Extensive Nuclear Reprogramming Underlies Lineage Conversion into Functional Trophoblast Stem-like Cells. (2015)
    Cell stem cell,
  • Gender and telomere length: Systematic review and meta-analysis (2014)
    Exp Gerontol , 51, 15-27
  • Resolution of telomere associations by TRF1 cleavage in mouse embryonic stem cells (2014)
    Mol Biol Cell, 25, 1958-1968
  • The developmental potential of iPSCs is greatly influenced by reprogramming factor selection (2014)
    Cell Stem Cell, 15, 295-309
  • BAIT: Organizing genomes and mapping rearrangements in single cells (2013)
    Genome Med , 5, 82
  • Organizing genomes and mapping rearrangements in single cells (2013)
    Genomic Med , 5, 82
  • Strand-seq: A unifying tool for studies of chromosome segregation (2013)
    Semin Cell Dev Biol , 24, 643-652
  • The luminal progenitor compartment of the normal human mammary gland constitutes a unique site of telomere dysfunction (2013)
    Stem Cell Reports, 1 (1), 28-37
  • Collapse of telomere homeostasis in hematopoietic cells caused by heterozygous mutations in telomerase genes (2012)
    PLoS Genet , 8, e1002696
  • Cord blood T cells retain early differentiation phenotype suitable for immunotherapy after TCR gene transfer to confer EBV specificity (2012)
    Am J Transplant , 13, 45-55
  • DNA template strand sequencing of single-cells maps genomic rearrangements at high resolution (2012)
    Nature Methods, 9, 1107-1112
  • Epigenetic differences between sister chromatids (2012)
    Ann N Y Acad Sci , 1266, 1-6
  • RTEL1 contributes to DNA replication, repair and telomere maintenance (2012)
    Mol Biol Cell, 23, 2782-2792
  • Telomere length is associated with disease severity and declines with age in dyskeratosis congenita (2012)
    Haematologica, 97, 353-359
  • The mammalian proteins MMS19, MIP18, and ANT2 are involved in cytoplasmic iron-sulfur cluster protein assembly (2012)
    J Biol Chem , 287, 43351-43358
  • Analysis of repetitive DNA in chromosomes by flow cytometry (2011)
    Nat Methods, 8, 484-486
  • Ancestral mutation in telomerase causes defects in repeat addition processivity and manifests as familial pulmonary fibrosis (2011)
    PLoS Genet , 7, e1001352
  • Prolonged self-renewal activity unmasks telomerase control of telomere homeostasis and function of mouse hematopoietic stem cells (2011)
    Blood, 118, 1766-1773
  • Telomere elongation followed by telomere length reduction, in leukocytes from divers exposed to intense oxidative stress-implications for tissue and organismal aging (2011)
    Mech Ageing Dev , 132, 123-130
  • Chromosome orientation fluorescence in situ hybridization to study sister chromatid segregation in vivo (2010)
    Nat Protoc , 5, 1362-1377
  • Identification of sister chromatids by DNA template strand sequences (2010)
    Nature, 463, 93-7
  • RTEL1: an essential helicase for telomere maintenance and the regulation of homologous recombination (2010)
    Nucleic Acids Res , 39, 1647-1655
  • Synchrony of telomere length among hematopoietic cells (2010)
    Exp Hematol , 38, 854-859
  • Telomere length is inherited with resetting of the telomere set point (2010)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107, 10148-10153
  • A spectrum of severe liver and blood disorders associate with telomerase mutations (2009)
    PLoS One, 4, e7926
  • Constitutional hypomorphic telomerase mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (2009)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106, 1187-1192
  • Explanation for excessive DNA single-strand breaks and endogenous repair foci in pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells (2009)
    Exp Cell Res , 315, 1505-1520
  • Hepatitis-associated aplastic anemia presenting as a familial bone marrow failure syndrome (2009)
    J Pediatr Hematol Oncol , 31, 884-887
  • Probing the mitotic history and developmental stage of hematopoietic cells using single telomere length analysis (STELA) (2009)
    Blood, 113, 5765-5775
  • Proliferative defects in dyskeratosis congenita skin keratinocytes are corrected by expression of the telomerase reverse transcriptase, TERT, or by activation of endogenous telomerase through expression of papillomavirus E6/E7 or the telomerase RNA compon (2009)
    Exp Dermatol , 19, 278-288
  • Short telomeres resulting from heritable mutations in the telomerase reverse transcriptase gene predispose for a variety of malignancies (2009)
    Ann N Y Acad Sci , 1176, 179-190
  • Telomere length in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (2009)
    Mech Ageing Dev , 130, 377-383
  • Telomeres and disease (2009)
    EMBO J , 28, 2532-2540
  • Adoptive transfer of effector CD8+ T cells derived from central memory cells establishes persistent T cell memory in primates (2008)
    J Clin Invest , 118, 294-305
  • Ataxia and pancytopenia caused by a mutation in TINF2 (2008)
    Hum Genet , 124, 507-513
  • Characterization of primitive hematopoietic cells from patients with dyskeratosis congenita (2008)
    Blood, 111 (9), 4523-4531
  • Mouse but not human embryonic stem cells are deficient in rejoining of ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (2008)
    DNA Repair (Amst), 7 (9), 1471-83
  • Mouse but not human embryonic stem cells are deficient in repair of DNA double-strand breaks induced by ionizing radiation (2008)
    DNA Repair, 7, 1471-1483
  • Reduced telomere length variation in healthy oldest old (2008)
    Mech Ageing Dev , 129, 638-41
  • Restoration of the CD4 T cell compartment after long-term highly active antiretroviral therapy without phenotypical signs of accelerated immunological aging (2008)
    J Immunol , 181, 1573-1581
  • Short telomeres are a risk factor for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (2008)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 105, 13051-13056
  • Telomere, telomerase and aging (2008)
    Mech Ageing Dev , 129, 1-2
  • Telomeres and aging (2008)
    Physiol Rev , 82, 557-579
  • Telomeres, stem cells and hematology (2008)
    Blood, 111, 1759-1766
  • TINF2, a component of the Shelterin telomere protection complex, is mutated in dyskeratosis congenita (2008)
    Am J Hum Genet , 82, 501-509
  • Functional characterization of natural telomerase mutations found in patients hematological disorders (2007)
    Blood, 109, 524-532
  • Hematopoietic stem cell behavior in non-human primates (2007)
    Blood, 110, 1806-1813
  • Immortal strands? Give me a break (2007)
    Cell, 129, 1244-1247
  • Longitudinal data on telomere length in leukocytes from newborn baboons support a marked drop in stem cell turnover around one year of age (2007)
    Aging Cell, 6, 121-123
  • Mutations in the SBDS gene in acquired aplastic anemia (2007)
    Blood, 110, 1141-1146
  • RECQL, a member of the RecQ family of DNA helicases, suppresses chromosomal instability (2007)
    Mol Cell Biol , 27, 1784-1794
  • Short telomeres and high telomerase activity in T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia (2007)
    Leukemia, 21, 2456-2462
  • Telomerase mutations in families with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (2007)
    N Engl J Med , 356, 1317-1326
  • Telomere length in human natural killer cell subsets (2007)
    Ann N Y Acad Sci , 1106, 240-252
  • Telomere length in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria correlates with clone size (2007)
    Exp Hematol , 35, 1777-1781
  • Telomere restoration and extension of proliferative lifespan in dyskeratosis congenita fibroblasts (2007)
    Aging Cell, 6, 383-394
  • Very short telomere length by flow fluorescence in situ hybridization identifies patients with dyskeratosis congenita (2007)
    Blood, 110, 1439-1447
  • Flow cytometry and FISH to measure the average length of telomeres (flow FISH) (2006)
    Nat Protoc , 1, 2365-2376
  • High incidence of rapid telomere loss in telomerase-deficient Caenorhabditis elegans (2006)
    Nucleic Acids Res , 34, 96-103
  • Mutations in the reverse transcriptase component of telomerase (TERT) in patients with bone marrow failure (2006)
    Blood Cells Mol Dis , 37, 134-136
  • Stress, social rank and leukocyte telomere length (2006)
    Aging Cell, 5, 583-584
  • Dissociation of telomerase activity and telomere length maintenance in primitive human hematopoietic cells (2005)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 102, 14398-14403
  • Functional characterization of telomerase RNA variants found in patients with hematological disorders (2005)
    Blood, 105, 2332-2339
  • Identification and functional characterization of 2 variant alleles of the telomerase RNA template gene (TERC) in a patient with dyskeratosis congenita (2005)
    Blood, 106, 1246-1252
  • Major cutbacks at chromosome ends (2005)
    Trends Biochem Sci , 30, 388-395
  • Mutations in TERT, the gene for telomerase reverse transcriptase, in aplastic anemia (2005)
    N Engl J Med , 352, 1413-1424
  • Telomere loss, senescence and genetic instability in CD4+ T lymphocytes overexpressing hTERT (2005)
    Blood, 106, 43-50
  • The telomerase reverse transcriptase regulates chromatin state and DNA damage responses (2005)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 102, 8222-8227
  • Unusual distribution pattern of telomeric repeats in the shrews Sorex araneus and Sorex granarius (2005)
    Chromosome Res , 13, 617-625
  • CD27 expression promotes long-term survival of functional effector-memory CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in HIV-infected patients (2004)
    J Exp Med , 200, 1407-1417
  • Effect of TERT and ATM on gene expression profiles in human fibroblasts (2004)
    Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 39, 298-310
  • Estimating human hematopoietic stem cell kinetics using granulocyte telomere lengths (2004)
    Exp Hematol , 32, 1040-1050
  • Prediction of survival in follicular lymphoma based on molecular features of tumor-infiltrating immune cells (2004)
    N Engl J Med , 351, 2159-2169
  • Regulation of murine telomere length by Rtel: An essential gene encoding a helicase-like protein (2004)
    Cell, 117, 873-886
  • Strain-specific telomere length revealed by single telomere length analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans (2004)
    Nucleic Acids Res , 32, 3383-3391
  • Late presentation of dyskeratosis congenita as apparently acquired aplastic anaemia due to mutations in telomerase RNA (2003)
    Lancet (Research Letter), 362, 1628-1630
  • Mutations of the human telomerase RNA gene (TERC) in aplastic anemia and myelodysplastic syndrome (2003)
    Blood, 102, 916-918
  • Role of oxidative stress in telomere shortening in cultured fibroblasts from normal individuals and patients with ataxia-telangiectasia (2003)
    Hum Mol Genet , 12, 227-232
  • Telomerase is limiting the growth in acute myeloid leukemia cells (2003)
    Leukemia, 17, 2410-2417
  • Telomerase levels control the life span of human T lymphocytes (2003)
    Blood, 102, 849-857
  • Telomere length and the expression of natural telomeric genes in human fibroblasts (2003)
    Hum Mol Genet , 12, 1329-1336
  • Telomere length in peripheral blood granulocytes reflects response to treatment with imatinib in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (2003)
    Blood (Letter), 101, 375-376
  • Telomere length in subpopulations of human hematopoietic cells (2003)
    Stem Cells, 21, 654-660
  • Telomere length measurements in leukocyte subsets by automated multicolor flow-FISH (2003)
    Cytometry, 55A, 1-6
  • Telomere shortening in leukocyte subpopulations from baboons (2003)
    J Leukoc Biol , 73, 289-296
  • The mammalian SIR2a protein has a role in embryogenesis and gametogenesis (2003)
    Mol Cell Biol , 23, 38-54
  • Disruption of dog-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans triggers deletions upstream of guanine-rich DNA (2002)
    Nat Genet , 31, 405-409
  • Feature analysis and centromere segmentation of human chromosome images using an iterative fuzzy algorithm (2002)
    IEEE Trans Biomed Eng , 49, 363-371
  • Functional characterization of multiple domains involved in the subcellular localization of the hematopoietic Pbx interacting protein (HPIP) (2002)
    Oncogene, 21, 6766-6771
  • Longitudinal studies of telomere length in feline blood cells: Implications for hematopoietic stem cell turnover in vivo (2002)
    Exp Hematol , 30, 1147-1152
  • Synergistic role of Ku80 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in suppressing chromosomal abberations and liver cancer formation (2002)
    Cancer Res , 62, 6990-6996
  • Telomere length measurements by fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry: Tips and pitfalls (2002)
    Cytometry, 47, 89-99
  • Telomere maintenance in human B lymphocytes (2002)
    Br J Haematol , 119, 810-818
  • Telomere shortening in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a potential mechanism for late graft failure? (2002)
    Biol Blood Marrow Transplant , 8, 597-600
  • Accelerated telomere shortening in hematological lineages is limited to the first year following stem cell transplantation (2001)
    Blood, 97, 575-577
  • CD8+ T cells in large granular lymphocyte leukemia are not defective in activation- and replication-related apoptosis (2001)
    Leuk Res , 25, 699-708
  • DNA strand break-sensing molecule Poly(ADP-Ribose) polymerase cooperates with p53 in telomere function, chromosome stability, and tumor suppression (2001)
    Mol Cell Biol , 21, 4046-4054
  • Effects of DNA nonhomologous end-joining factors on telomere length and chromosomal stability in mammalian cells (2001)
    Curr Biol , 11, 1192-1196
  • Extra-chromosomal telomeric DNA in cells from Atm-/- mice and patients with ataxia-telangiectasia (2001)
    Hum Mol Genet , 10, 519-528
  • Modelling perspectives on aging: Can mathematics help us stay young? (2001)
    J Theor Biol , 213, 509-525
  • Multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization with peptide nucleic acid probes for enumeration of specific chromosomes in human cells (2001)
    Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 30, 57-63
  • Telomere length dynamics in normal individuals and in patients with hematopoietic stem cell-associated disorders (2001)
    Ann N Y Acad Sci, 938, 293-303; discussion 303-4
  • Telomere length in leukocyte subpopulations of patients with aplastic anemia (2001)
    Blood, 97, 895-900
  • Transfer of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene into T lymphocytes results in extension of replicative potential (2001)
    Blood, 98, 597-603
  • Accumulation of short telomeres in human fibroblasts prior to replicative senescence (2000)
    Exp Cell Res , 256, 291-299
  • Extension of cell life-span and telomere length in animals cloned from senescent somatic cells (2000)
    Science, 288, 665-669
  • Measurement of telomere length in haematopoietic cells using in situ hybridization techniques (2000)
    Bichem Soc Trans , 28, 245-250
  • Oligoclonal expansions in the CD8+CD28- T cells largely explain the shorter telomeres detected in this subset; analysis by flow FISH (2000)
    Hum Immunol , 61, 951-958
  • Polyclonal hematopoiesis with variable telomere shortening in human long-term allogeneic marrow graft recipients (2000)
    Blood, 96, 3991-3994
  • Prognostic implications of differences in telomere length between normal and malignant cells from patients with chronic myeloid leukemia measured by flow cytometry (2000)
    Blood, 95 (6), 1883-90
  • Repair of telomeric DNA prior to replicative senescence (2000)
    Mech Ageing Dev , 118, 23-34
  • Telomerase-associated protein TEP1 is not essential for telomerase activity or telomere length maintenance in vivo (2000)
    Mol Cell Biol , 20, 8178-8184
  • Telomere maintenance in telomerase deficient-mouse embryonic stem cells: characterization of an amplified telomeric DNA (2000)
    Mol Cell Biol , 20, 4115-4127
  • The telomerase reverse transcriptase is limiting and necessary for telomerase function in vivo (2000)
    Curr Biol , 10, 1459-1462
  • Absence or low number of telomere repeats at junctions of dicentric chromosomes (1999)
    Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 24, 83-86
  • Accelerated telomere shortening in the human inactive X chromosome (1999)
    Am J Hum Genet , 65, 1617-1622
  • An 18q- syndrome breakpoint resides between the duplicated serpins SCCA1 and SCCA2 and arises via a cryptic rearrangment with satellite III DNA (1999)
    Hum Mol Genet , 8, 87-92
  • Elongated telomeres in scid mice (1999)
    Genomics, 56, 221-223
  • Functions of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase in controlling telomere length and chromosomal stability (letter) (1999)
    Nat Genet , 23, 76-80
  • Telomere fluorescence measurements in granulocytes and T lymphocyte subsets point to a high turnover of hematopoietic stem cells and memory T cells in early childhood (1999)
    J Exp Med , 190, 157-167
  • Telomere instability in a human cancer cell line (1999)
    Mutat Res , 429, 209-223
  • Telomere length dynamics and chromosomal instability in cells derived from telomerase null mice (1999)
    J Cell Biol , 144, 589-601
  • Telomere length measurements using digital fluorescence microscopy (1999)
    Cytometry, 36, 267-278
  • Telomere-dependent senescence (Letter) (1999)
    Nat Biotechnol , 17, 313
  • Asymmetric cell divisions sustain long-term hematopoiesis from single-sorted human fetal liver cells (1998)
    J Exp Med , 188, 1117-1124
  • Biology of human umbilical cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (1998)
    Stem Cells, 16, 153-165
  • Dissociation among in vitro telomerase activity, telomere maintenance, and cellular immortalization (1998)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 95, 14723-14728
  • Induction of telomerase activity and chromosome aberrations in human tumour cell lines following X-irradiation (1998)
    Mutat Res , 401, 121-131
  • Induction of telomerase activity by in vivo X-irradiation of mouse splenocytes and its possible role in chromosome healing (1998)
    Mutat Res , 404, 205-214
  • Short telomeres on human chromosome 17p (1998)
    Nat Genet , 18, 76-80
  • Stem cell biology for the transfusionist (1998)
    Vox Sang , 74, 91-94
  • Telomerase activity in candidate stem cells from fetal liver and adult bone marrow (1998)
    Blood, 91, 3255-3262
  • Telomere length dynamics in human lymphocyte subpopulations measured by flow cytometry (1998)
    Nat Biotechnol , 16, 743-747
  • Telomere length regulation in mice is linked to a novel chromosome locus (1998)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 95, 8648-8653
  • Frequency of fetal cells in sorted subpopulations of nucleated erythroid and CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells from maternal peripheral blood (1997)
    Blood, 89, 2347-2358
  • Impaired steel factor responsiveness differentially affects the detection and long-term maintenance of fetal liver hematopoietic stem cells in vivo (1997)
    Blood, 89 (4), 1214-23
  • Intrinsic control of stem cell fate (1997)
    Stem Cells, 15, 223-227
  • Isolation and analysis of different subpopulations of normal human breast epithelial cells after their infection with a retroviral vector encoding a cell surface marker (1997)
    Breast Cancer Res Treat, 44 (2), 153-65
  • Isolation and analysis of different subpopulations of normal human breast epithelial cells early after their infection with a retroviral vector encoding a cell surface marker (1997)
    Breast Cancer Res Treat , 44, 153-165
  • Kinetic evidence of the regeneration of multilineage hematopoiesis from primitive cells in normal human bone marrow transplanted into immunodeficient mice (1997)
    Blood, 89, 4307-4316
  • Lack of expression of Thy-1 (CD90) on acute myeloid leukaemia cells with long-term proliferative ability in vitro and in vivo (1997)
    Blood, 89, 3104-3112
  • Lessons from mice without telomerase (1997)
    J Cell Biol , 139, 309-312
  • Overexpression of HOXA10 in murine hematopoietic cells perturbs both myeloid and lymphoid differentiation and leads to acute myeloid leukemia (1997)
    Mol Cell Biol , 17, 495-505
  • Quantitation and characterization of human megakaryocyte colony-forming cells using a standardized serum-free agarose assay (1997)
    Br J Haematol, 96 (4), 790-800
  • Self-renewal of stem cells (1997)
    Biol Blood Marrow Transplant , 3, 171-178
  • Telomere length, chromatin structure and chromosome fusigenic potential (1997)
    Chromosoma, 106, 413-418
  • Telomere shortening and tumor formation by mouse cells lacking telomerase RNA (1997)
    Cell, 91, 25-34
  • Telomeres in the mouse have large inter-chromosomal variations in the number of T2AG3 repeats (1997)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 94, 7423-7428
  • A comparison of long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells in fetal liver and adult bone marrow from the mouse (1996)
    Exp Hematol , 24, 638-648
  • Characterization of primitive subpopulations of normal and leukemic cells present in the blood of patients with newly diagnosed as well as established chronic myeloid leukemia (1996)
    Blood, 88, 2162-2171
  • Close encounters of the PNA kind (1996)
    Nat Biotechnol , 14, 1653-1653
  • Culture of purified stem cells from fetal liver results in loss of in vivo repopulating potential (1996)
    J Hematother , 5, 25-37
  • Differential expression of telomerase activity in hematopoietic progenitors from adult human bone marrow (1996)
    Stem Cells, 14, 239-248
  • Enhanced detection, maintenance and differentiation of primitive human hematopoietic cells in cultures containing murine fibroblasts engineered to produce human Steel factor, interleukin-3 and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (1996)
    Blood, 88, 3765-3773
  • Heterogeneity in telomere length of human chromosomes (1996)
    Hum Mol Genet , 5, 685-691
  • Les cellules souches hematopoietiques s'autorenouvellent-elles? (1996)
    Hematologie, 2, 217-223
  • Normal and leukemic SCID-repopulating cells (SRC) coexist in the bone marrow and peripheral blood from CML patients in chronic phase, whereas leukemic SRC are detected in blast crisis (1996)
    Blood, 87 (4), 1539-48
  • Production of interleukin 1b by human hematopoietic progenitor cells (1996)
    J Clin Invest , 97, 1666-1674
  • Self-renewal of primitive human hematopoietic cells (long-term-culture-initiating cells) in vitro and their expansion in defined medium (1996)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 93, 1470-1474
  • Studies of W mutant mice provide evidence for alternate mechanisms capable of activating hematopoietic stem cells (1996)
    Exp Hematol , 24, 185-194
  • Telomerase expression in human cells and tissue (1996)
    Giorn Geront , 44, 359-361
  • The repopulation potential of fetal liver hematopoietic stem cells in mice exceeds that of their liver adult bone marrow counterparts (1996)
    Blood, 87 (8), 3500-7
  • Transplantation and gene transfer of the human glucocerebrosidase gene into immunoselected primate CD34+Thy-1+ cells (1996)
    Blood, 88, 4166-4172
  • Characterization and purification of a primitive hematopoietic cell type in adult mouse marrow capable of lympho-myeloid differentiation in long-term marrow "switch" cultures (1995)
    Blood, 86 (4), 1339-1347
  • Developmental changes in the function of hematopoietic stem cells (1995)
    Exp Hematol , 23, 187-191
  • Differential effects of the hematopoietic inhibitors MIP-1a, TGF-b, and TNF-a on cytokine-induced proliferation of subpopulations of CD34+ cells purified from cord blood and fetal liver (1995)
    Exp Hematol , 23, 422-427
  • Differentiation - associated changes in CD44 isoform expression during normal hematopoiesis and their alteration in chronic myeloid leukemia (1995)
    Blood, 86, 2976-2985
  • Nonlinear effects of radiation dose on donor-cell reconstitution by limited numbers of purified stem cells (1995)
    Biol Blood Marrow Transplant , 1, 32-39
  • Overexpression of HOXB4 in hematopoietic cells causes the selective expansion of more primitive populations in vitro and in vivo (1995)
    Genes Dev , 9, 1753-1765
  • Proliferation of individual hematopoietic progenitors purified from umbilical cord blood (1995)
    Exp Hematol , 23, 1453-1462
  • Telomere length and proliferation potential of hematopoietic stem cells (1995)
    J Cell Sci , 108, 1-6
  • Age-related decline in proliferative potential of purified stem cell candidates (1994)
    Blood Cells, 20, 376-380
  • Amplification of Sca-1+ Lin- WGA+ cells in serum- free cultures containing Steel factor, interleukin-6, and erythropoietin with maintenance of cells with long-term in vivo reconstituting potential (1994)
    Blood, 83, 128-136
  • Autografting with cultured marrow in chronic myeloid leukemia: results of a pilot study (1994)
    Blood, 84, 724-732
  • CD45 isoform expression on human haemopoietic cells at different stages of development (1994)
    Br J Haematol , 88, 24-30
  • Cytokines acting early in human haematopoiesis (1994)
    Baillieres Clin Haematol, 7 (1), 49-63
  • Differential expression of homeobox genes in functionally distinct CD34+ subpopulations of human bone marrow cells (1994)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 91, 12223-12227
  • Evidence for a mitotic clock in human hematopoietic stem cells: Loss of telomeric DNA with age (1994)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 91, 9857-9860
  • Expression of interleukin-1b gene in candidate human hematopoietic stem cells (1994)
    Blood, 84, 36-43
  • Kinetics of committed and primitive blood progenitor mobilization after chemotherapy and growth factor treatment and their use in autotransplants (1994)
    Blood, 83, 3808-3814
  • Positive selection of CD34+ cells from human bone marrow for indirect purging of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cells (1994)
    Cancer Res Ther Control, 4, 119-128
  • Selection of retrovirally transduced hematopoietic cells using CD24 as a marker of gene transfer (1994)
    Blood, 84, 2868-2877
  • Thy-1 expression is linked to functional properties of primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells from human umbilical cord blood (1994)
    Blood, 83, 2410-2417
  • Transforming growth factor b1 is an inducer of erythroid differentiation (1994)
    J Exp Med , 180, 851-860
  • Characterization of functionally distinct subpopulations of CD34+ cord blood cells in serum-free long-term cultures supplemented with hematopoietic cytokines (1993)
    Blood, 82, 2664-2672
  • Cytokine-induced selective expansion and maturation of erythroid versus myeloid progenitors from purified cord blood precursor cells (1993)
    Blood, 81, 3252-3258
  • Expression of Thy-1 on human hematopoietic progenitor cells (1993)
    J Exp Med , 177, 1331-1342
  • Improved high gradient magnetic separation for the positive selection of human blood mononuclear cells using ordered wire filters (1993)
    J Magn Magn Mater , 122, 364-366
  • In vitro properties of purified human stem cell candidates (1993)
    J Hematother , 3, 329-332
  • Lineage commitment in human hemopoiesis involves asymmetric cell division of multipotent progenitors and does not appear to be influenced by cytokines (1993)
    J Cell Physiol , 157, 579-586
  • Maintenance of hematopoiesis in serum-free bone marrow cultures involves sequential recruitment of quiescent progenitors (1993)
    Exp Hematol , 21, 1321-1327
  • Ontogeny-related changes in proliferative potential of human hematopoietic cells (1993)
    J Exp Med , 178, 787-791
  • Positive selection of human blood cells using improved high gradient magnetic separation filters (1993)
    J Hematother , 2, 297-303
  • Time lapse video recordings of highly purified human hematopoietic progenitor cells in culture (1993)
    Stem Cells, 11, 243-248
  • A simple procedure for large-scale density separation of bone marrow cells for transplantation (1992)
    Transplantation, 53, 1163-1165
  • Characterization of primitive hematopoietic cells in normal human peripheral blood (1992)
    Blood, 80, 2513-2521
  • Hemopoietic stem cell characterization (1992)
    Prog Clin Biol Res, 377, 475-84; discussion 485-6
  • High gradient magnetic separation of cells on the basis of expression levels of cell surface antigens (1992)
    J Immunol Methods, 154, 245-252
  • Increased erythropoietin-receptor expression on CD34-positive bone marrow cells from patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (1992)
    Blood, 79, 642-649
  • Long-term erythropoiesis from constant numbers of CD34+ cells in serum-free cultures initiated with highly purified progenitor cells from human bone marrow (1992)
    J Exp Med , 175, 1501-1509
  • Manipulation of the hematopoietic stem cell in vitro (1992)
    Leukemia, 6 Sup, 27-30
  • Phenotypic heterogeneity of primitive leukemic hematopoietic cells in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (1992)
    Blood, 80, 2522-2530
  • Retroviral gene transfer to primitive normal and leukemic hematopoietic cells using clinically applicable procedures (1992)
    J Clin Invest , 89, 1817-1824
  • The human hematopoietic stem cell in vitro and in vivo (1992)
    Blood Cells, 18 (2), 301-7
  • Use of lectins for characterization and purification of human bone marrow cells that express CD34 (1992)
    J Hematother , 1, 55-64
  • Busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and melphalan conditioning for autologous bone marrow transplantation in hematologic malignancy (1991)
    J Clin Oncol , 9, 1880-1888
  • Differential regulation of primitive human hematopoietic cells in long-term cultures maintained on genetically engineered murine stromal cells (1991)
    Blood, 78, 666-672
  • Expression of CD34 on human B cell precursors (1991)
    Clin Exp Immunol , 85, 168-173
  • Flow cytometry for clinical estimation of circulating hematopoietic progenitors for autologous transplantation in cancer patients (1991)
    Blood, 77, 400-409
  • Flow cytometry to estimate circulating hematopoietic progenitors for autologous transplantation: comparative analysis of different CD34 monoclonal antibodies (1991)
    Haematologica, 76, 330-333
  • Mechanisms that regulate the cell cycle status of very primitive hematopoietic cells in long-term human marrow cultures. II. Analysis of positive and negative regulators produced by stromal cells within the adherent layer (1991)
    Blood, 78 (1), 110-7
  • Molecular cloning of CD44R1 and CD44R2, two novel isoforms of the human CD44 lymphocyte "homing" receptor expressed by hemopoietic cells (1991)
    J Exp Med , 174, 1-5
  • Regulation of primitive human hematopoietic cells in long-term marrow culture (1991)
    Semin Hematol, 28 (2), 126-31
  • Separation of functionally distinct subpopulations of primitive human hematopoietic cells using rhodamine-123 (1991)
    Exp Hematol , 19, 338-342
  • Sequential generations of hematopoietic colonies derived from single nonlineage-committed CD34+CD38- progenitor cells (1991)
    Blood, 77, 1218-1227
  • Single laser three color immunofluorescence staining procedures based on energy transfer between phycoerythrin and cyanine 5 (1991)
    Cytometry, 12, 723-730
  • Detection and isolation of the erythropoietin receptor using biotinylated erythropoietin (1990)
    Blood, 76, 697-705
  • Detection of breakpoint cluster region-negative and nonclonal hematopoiesis in vitro and in vivo after transplantation of cells selected in cultures of chronic myeloid leukemia marrow (1990)
    Blood, 76, 2404-2410
  • Functional characterization of individual human hematopoietic stem cells cultured at limiting dilution on supportive marrow stromal layers (1990)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 87, 3584-3588
  • Immunochemical analysis of monoclonal antibodies to human erythropoietin (1990)
    Exp Hematol , 18, 228-233
  • Purification and analysis of bispecific tetrameric antibody complexes (1990)
    Mol Immunol , 27, 659-666
  • Quantitative assay for totipotent reconstituting hematopoietic stem cells by a competitive repopulation strategy (1990)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 87, 8736-8740
  • An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for erythropoietin using monoclonal antibodies, tetrameric immune complexes, and substrate amplification (1989)
    Blood, 74, 622-628
  • Characterization and partial purification of human marrow cells capable of initiating long-term hematopoiesis in vitro (1989)
    Blood, 74, 1563-1570
  • Identification and characterization of 114/A10, an antigen highly expressed on the surface of murine myeloid and erythroid progenitor cells and IL-3-dependent cell lines (1989)
    Exp Hematol , 17, 877-882
  • Isolation in a single step of a highly enriched murine hematopoietic stem cell population with competitive long-term repopulating ability (1989)
    Blood, 74, 930-939
  • Production of interleukin-1 by bone marrow myeloma cells (1989)
    Blood, 74, 380-387
  • Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer to purified hemopoietic stem cells with long-term lympho-myelopoietic repopulating ability (1989)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 86, 8798-8802
  • Specific binding and release of cells from beads using cleavable tetrameric antibody complexes (1989)
    J Immunol Methods, 120, 221-231
  • Successful autografting in chronic myeloid leukaemia after maintenance of marrow in culture (1989)
    Bone Marrow Transplant , 4 (4), 345-351
  • Activation of multiple hemopoietic growth factor genes in Abelson virus-transformed myeloid cells (1988)
    Exp Hematol , 16, 774-781
  • Immunoadsorption of T cells onto glass beads using tetramolecular complexes of monoclonal antibodies (1988)
    J Immunol Methods, 112, 219-226
  • Improved resolution of flow cytometric measurements of Hoechst- and Chromomycin-A3-stained human chromosomes after addition of citrate and sulfite (1988)
    Cytometry, 9, 266-270
  • Use of a sensitive bioimmunoabsorbent assay to isolate and characterize monoclonal antibodies to biologically active human erythropoietin (1988)
    Blood, 71, 1731-1737
  • Interferon b2/B-cell stimulatory factor type 2 shares identity with monocyte-derived hepatocyte-stimulating factor and regulates the major acute phase protein response in liver cells (1987)
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 84, 7251-7255
  • Production of hybridoma growth factor by human monocytes (1987)
    Eur J Immunol , 17, 1411-1416
  • Use of tetrameric antibody complexes to stain cells for flow cytometry (1987)
    Cytometry, 8, 366-371
  • Colony-forming cells in chronic granulocytic leukemia - II. Analysis of membrane markers (1986)
    Leuk Res , 10, 155-165
  • Cyclic tetramolecular complexes of monoclonal antibodies: a new type of cross-linking reagent (1986)
    Eur J Immunol , 16, 679-683
  • A growth factor for B Cell hybridomas produced by human monocytes (1985)
    Lymphokines, 10, 175-185
  • Colony-forming cells in chronic granulocytic leukemia. I. Proliferative responses to growth factors (1985)
    Leuk Res , 9, 1337-1344
  • Mixed megakaryocytic-granulocytic differentation during diffusion chamber culture of peripheral blast cells from the blast crisis of chronic myelocytic leukemia (1985)
    Leuk Res , 9, 1031-1041
  • An automatic fluorescence micro-ELISA system for quantitative screening of hybridoma supernatants using a protein A-b galactosidase conjugate (1984)
    Histochem J , 16, 21-35
  • Density separation of spleen cells increases fusion frequency and yield of Ig-producing hybridomas (1984)
    J Immunol Methods, 68, 45-53
  • Immunological study of in vitro maturation of human megakaryocytes (1984)
    Br J Haematol , 56, 589-605
  • Myeloid-associated antigen 3-a-fucosyl-N-acetyllactosamine (FAL): Location on various granulocyte membrane glycoproteins and masking upon monocytic differentiation (1984)
    Eur J Immunol , 14, 1089-1095
  • Stepwise amplified immunoperoxidase (PAP) staining. I. Cellular morphology in relation to membrane markers (1984)
    J Histochem Cytochem , 32, 172-178
  • A comparison of surface marker analysis and FAB classification in acute myeloid leukemia (1983)
    Blood, 61, 443-448
  • Monoclonal antibodies against human platelet glycoprotein IIIa (1983)
    Br J Haematol , 55, 509-522
  • Detection of HLA antigens on blood platelets and lymphocytes by means of monoclonal antibodies in an ELISA technique (1982)
    Tissue Antigens, 19, 11-19
  • Monoclonal antibodies against cellular and humoral epitopes (1982)
    Vox Sang , 45, 178-179
  • Human endothelial culture supernatant (HECS): Evidence for a growth-promoting factor binding to hybridoma and myeloma cells (1981)
    J Immunol , 126, 1170-1173
  • Human endothelial culture supernatant (HECS): A growth factor for hybridomas (1980)
    J Immunol , 125, 1411-1414
  • Immunoperoxidase procedures to detect monoclonal antibodies against cell surface antigens. Quantitation of binding and staining of individual cells (1980)
    J Immunol Methods, 39, 393-405
  • Mitogenic responses of canine peripheral blood lymphocytes to staphylococcal protein A (1980)
    J Immunol Methods, 32, 157-166
  • Secondary responses of alloantigen-primed dog lymphocytes (1980)
    Tissue Antigens, 15, 40-46

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