
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Daily site interpretation tools for different hierchical levels in a construction project 22 February 2009
Applications of fuzzy set theory in reservoir operations 22 February 2009
Flow routing model for upper Indus river (Pakistan) 22 February 2009
Application of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) to the monitoring of kraft mill effluents with emphasis on potential fish-tainting compound 22 February 2009
Capillary menisci between particles absorbed at a liquid-fluid interface 22 February 2009
The archival concept of competence: a case study of the federal administration of agriculture in Canada, 1867-1989 22 February 2009
Origin and development of records scheduling in North America 22 February 2009
Bruhat decompositions and Schubert varieties 22 February 2009
Homesite severance policy: its evolution and impact on the agricultural land base of British Columbia 22 February 2009
Analysis of CD44/hyaluronan binding in lymphoid and fibroblast cell lines 22 February 2009
Studies of the immune network based on shape-space and distance coefficient 22 February 2009
Gravitational back-reaction from colliding travelling waves on a cosmic string 22 February 2009
The Chaos second level trigger 22 February 2009
Regulation of steroid hormone production by the human granulosa-luteal cells 20 February 2009
Characterization of dendritic cell and macrophage cell surface proteins 19 February 2009
The assesment and control of non-differential and differential exposure misclassification in a case-control study of breast cancer 19 February 2009
Defining effective participation : a case study of the Vancouver International Airport Environmental Assessment and Review Process 19 February 2009
Copland’s clarinet concerto : a performance perspective 19 February 2009
A methodology for the analysis of melodic accent in Renaissance sacred polyphony 19 February 2009
Design of two psychoacoustic models for real time implementation of a wideband audio codec 19 February 2009
Adaptive paper coating weight control 19 February 2009
Design and VLSI implementation of a convolutional encoder and majority logic decoder for forward error correction in intrabuilding power line communications 19 February 2009
Performance evaluation of adaptive hybrid ARQ systems 19 February 2009
Integrated optics asymmetric march-zehnder high-voltage sensors 19 February 2009
An all-digital VLSI minimum shift keying modem 19 February 2009
Application of force feedback to heavy duty hydraulic machine 19 February 2009
Austrian neutrality in the changing Europe [microform] : a study of neutrality’s significance using a core-periphery model of human belief systems 19 February 2009
Effects of students’ background vs. school conditions on primary schools students’ academic achievement in Thailand 19 February 2009
Voting with care : women, men and moral reasoning : does difference make a difference? 19 February 2009
Investigating the significance of single and married mothers’ child care arrangements on work/family role balance 19 February 2009
Simon Fraser University’s Harbour Centre campus and recurrent education 19 February 2009
Aerodynamics and dynamics of bluff bodies in presence of the moving surface boundary-layer control 19 February 2009
Direct and indirect placement test scores as measures of language proficiency and predictors of academic success for ESL students 19 February 2009
Physical flow modelling of a kraft recovery boiler 19 February 2009
Reproductive and natal homing of marine threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) 19 February 2009
Dynamics and control of a class of ground based mobile flexible manipulators 19 February 2009
A new contouring algorithm for the U.B.C. controller 19 February 2009
XPS and corrosion studies on zinc phosphate treated surfaces of aluminum 19 February 2009
Aqueous chemistry of vanadium complexes of therapeutic interest 19 February 2009
Plantinum Complexes of 2-Pyridylphosphines 19 February 2009
Gravel transport and morphological modeling for the lower Fraser River, British Columbia 19 February 2009
Environmental audits: a multi-stakeholder perspective 19 February 2009
In Vivo monitoring of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens during intravenous self-administration of D-Amphetamine by the rat 19 February 2009
The effect of self-esteem on persistance toward goals 19 February 2009
The effects of targets’ shyness on perceptions of their intelligence 19 February 2009
Mathematical modelling of heat transfer in the vacuum investment casting of superalloy IN718 19 February 2009
The comprehension of the relational terms because and so by preschool children 19 February 2009
Regulation of pancreatic and gastric endocrine secretion by GIP and GLP-1(7-36) amide 19 February 2009
Measurement of fine particle deposition from flowing suspensions 19 February 2009
An optimality account of tone-vowel interaction in Northern Min 19 February 2009
