Daily site interpretation tools for different hierchical levels in a construction project |
22 February 2009 |
Applications of fuzzy set theory in reservoir operations |
22 February 2009 |
Flow routing model for upper Indus river (Pakistan) |
22 February 2009 |
Application of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) to the monitoring of kraft mill effluents with emphasis on potential fish-tainting compound |
22 February 2009 |
Capillary menisci between particles absorbed at a liquid-fluid interface |
22 February 2009 |
The archival concept of competence: a case study of the federal administration of agriculture in Canada, 1867-1989 |
22 February 2009 |
Origin and development of records scheduling in North America |
22 February 2009 |
Bruhat decompositions and Schubert varieties |
22 February 2009 |
Homesite severance policy: its evolution and impact on the agricultural land base of British Columbia |
22 February 2009 |
Analysis of CD44/hyaluronan binding in lymphoid and fibroblast cell lines |
22 February 2009 |
Studies of the immune network based on shape-space and distance coefficient |
22 February 2009 |
Gravitational back-reaction from colliding travelling waves on a cosmic string |
22 February 2009 |
The Chaos second level trigger |
22 February 2009 |
Regulation of steroid hormone production by the human granulosa-luteal cells |
20 February 2009 |
Characterization of dendritic cell and macrophage cell surface proteins |
19 February 2009 |
The assesment and control of non-differential and differential exposure misclassification in a case-control study of breast cancer |
19 February 2009 |
Defining effective participation : a case study of the Vancouver International Airport Environmental Assessment and Review Process |
19 February 2009 |
Copland’s clarinet concerto : a performance perspective |
19 February 2009 |
A methodology for the analysis of melodic accent in Renaissance sacred polyphony |
19 February 2009 |
Design of two psychoacoustic models for real time implementation of a wideband audio codec |
19 February 2009 |
Adaptive paper coating weight control |
19 February 2009 |
Design and VLSI implementation of a convolutional encoder and majority logic decoder for forward error correction in intrabuilding power line communications |
19 February 2009 |
Performance evaluation of adaptive hybrid ARQ systems |
19 February 2009 |
Integrated optics asymmetric march-zehnder high-voltage sensors |
19 February 2009 |
An all-digital VLSI minimum shift keying modem |
19 February 2009 |
Application of force feedback to heavy duty hydraulic machine |
19 February 2009 |
Austrian neutrality in the changing Europe [microform] : a study of neutrality’s significance using a core-periphery model of human belief systems |
19 February 2009 |
Effects of students’ background vs. school conditions on primary schools students’ academic achievement in Thailand |
19 February 2009 |
Voting with care : women, men and moral reasoning : does difference make a difference? |
19 February 2009 |
Investigating the significance of single and married mothers’ child care arrangements on work/family role balance |
19 February 2009 |
Simon Fraser University’s Harbour Centre campus and recurrent education |
19 February 2009 |
Aerodynamics and dynamics of bluff bodies in presence of the moving surface boundary-layer control |
19 February 2009 |
Direct and indirect placement test scores as measures of language proficiency and predictors of academic success for ESL students |
19 February 2009 |
Physical flow modelling of a kraft recovery boiler |
19 February 2009 |
Reproductive and natal homing of marine threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) |
19 February 2009 |
Dynamics and control of a class of ground based mobile flexible manipulators |
19 February 2009 |
A new contouring algorithm for the U.B.C. controller |
19 February 2009 |
XPS and corrosion studies on zinc phosphate treated surfaces of aluminum |
19 February 2009 |
Aqueous chemistry of vanadium complexes of therapeutic interest |
19 February 2009 |
Plantinum Complexes of 2-Pyridylphosphines |
19 February 2009 |
Gravel transport and morphological modeling for the lower Fraser River, British Columbia |
19 February 2009 |
Environmental audits: a multi-stakeholder perspective |
19 February 2009 |
In Vivo monitoring of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens during intravenous self-administration of D-Amphetamine by the rat |
19 February 2009 |
The effect of self-esteem on persistance toward goals |
19 February 2009 |
The effects of targets’ shyness on perceptions of their intelligence |
19 February 2009 |
Mathematical modelling of heat transfer in the vacuum investment casting of superalloy IN718 |
19 February 2009 |
The comprehension of the relational terms because and so by preschool children |
19 February 2009 |
Regulation of pancreatic and gastric endocrine secretion by GIP and GLP-1(7-36) amide |
19 February 2009 |
Measurement of fine particle deposition from flowing suspensions |
19 February 2009 |
An optimality account of tone-vowel interaction in Northern Min |
19 February 2009 |