International Doctoral Fellowship



Annual Value

$30,000 stipend + tuition



Degree Level


The International Doctoral Fellowship (IDF) program supports top international students who are starting UBC-V doctoral programs. The fellowship provides funding for a total of five years: a $30,000 stipend plus tuition for four years and a minimum $18,000 funding package (from the recipient's supervisor/department/Faculty, comprising awards, teaching assistantships and/or research assistantships) for the fifth year.

Effective fall 2018, the International Doctoral Fellowships will not be awarded through a campus-wide competition.



To be eligible, nominees must:

  • hold a valid student visa when they begin their UBC doctoral program
  • be starting a UBC-V doctoral program in the year of application. For fast-track students (who advance / transfer from a Master's to a doctoral program without completing their Master's degree), the effective date of transfer to the doctoral program must be during the year of application.
  • be pursuing their first thesis-based doctoral degree

Evaluation Criteria

Academic excellence - 30%

  • Academic record
  • Scholarships and awards held
  • Duration of previous studies

Research ability or potential - 50%

  • Quality of contributions to research and development
  • Relevance of work experience and academic training to field of proposed research
  • Significance, feasibility, and merit of proposed research, and justification for location of tenure
  • Ability to think critically
  • Ability to apply skills and knowledge
  • Judgment
  • Originality
  • Initiative and autonomy
  • Enthusiasm for research
  • Determination and ability to complete projects within an appropriate period of time

Communication, interpersonal, and leadership abilities - 20%

  • The ability or potential to communicate scientific concepts clearly and logically in written and oral formats. For example, this could include:
    • quality of the application's presentation;
    • participation in preparing publications; and
    • awards for oral presentations or papers.
  • Professional and relevant extracurricular interactions and collaborations. For example, this could include:
    • mentoring
    • teaching
    • supervisory experience
    • project management
    • chairing committees
    • organizing conferences and meetings
    • elected positions held

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