The Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems (ICICS) is a multidisciplinary research institute that supports collaborative research in advanced technologies systems. Over 160 faculty members from across UBC collaborate within ICICS and with industry, many of them in ICICS-supported research clusters. ICICS’ translational activities help to increase the impact of our members’ research outcomes.
Open Research Positions
This list of possible research projects is non-exhaustive. It only shows positions that are specifically advertised in the G+PS website.
Affiliated UBC Faculty & Postdocs
Name | Role | Research Interests |
Aamodt, Tor | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Computer architecture; Machine learning; Computer Architecture; graphics processor units (GPUs); Machine Learning |
Abdul-Mageed, Muhammad | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Artificial intelligence (AI); Deep Learning; Natural Language Processing; Machine Learning; Computational Linguistics; Social Media Mining; Arabic |
Abolmaesumi, Purang | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; Artificial Intelligence; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Technologies; Cancer Imaging; Computer Assisted Interventions; Image Guided Surgery; Machine Learning; Medical Imaging; Surgical Robotics; Ultrasound Imaging |
Altintas, Yusuf | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Virtual Machining, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, CAD/CAM, CNC Design, High Speed Feed Drive Control, Real Time Interpolation and Trajectory Generation for Machine Tools, Adaptive Control, Sensor Fused Intelligent Machining, Metal Cutting Mechanics, Chatter Vibrations in Machining, Piezo -Actuator Based Precision Machining, High Speed Milling, Optimal Machining of Aerospace Parts, Dies and Molds, Automation, Precision Engineering, Electro Mechanical Systems, Modeling and Analysis of Machining Processes, Mechanics, dynamics and control of micro-machining operations |
Ansermino, John Mark | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Other clinical medicine; Sepsis in children; Health information systems; Physiological Monitoring; Technological Innovations; Artificial Intellegence; Automation in healthcare; Global Health; Mobile Health; Outcome prediction |
Bacca, Mattia | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Mechanical engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; Solid Mechanics; Biophysics; Soft materials; Fracture Mechanics and Adhesion |
Beschastnikh, Ivan | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Computer and information sciences; software engineering; distributed systems; cloud computing; software analysis; Machine Learning |
Beznosov, Konstantin | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; computer security and privacy; mobile security and privacy; online social networks security and privacy; usable security and privacy |
Blouin, Jean-Sebastien | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Kinesiology; sensorimotor integration; Motor System; robotics and automation; Trauma / Injuries; Physiology; Balance robot; Computational approaches; Head and neck; Sensorimotor physiology; Sensory virtualisation; Standing balance; Whiplash injuries |
Boyd, Lara | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Physical therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; Learning; Learning and Memory; Motor System; Motor learning; Neurophysiology; Physiology; Plasticity / Neuronal Regeneration; stroke |
Bushe, William Kendal | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation; Automotive combustion and fuel engineering (including alternative and renewable fuels); Hypersonic propulsion and hypersonic aerodynamics; Aerospace engineering, n.e.c.; Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion; Reacting Flows; Energy Conversion Systems; clean energy |
Carenini, Giuseppe | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Natural language processing |
Chen, Yu Christine | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Engineering and technology; energy systems; Electric power system modelling, control, and operation; Renewable energy sources; electricity markets |
Cheung, Karen | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; additive manufacturing; BioMEMS; Biomedical Technologies; biosensors; microfluidics; neural interfaces; organ-on-chip; Tissue Engineering |
Chiao, Mu | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | MEMS, Micro Sensors, Micro Actuators, BioMEMS, Nanotechnology, Bioengineering, Electronic Packaging, Nanoscience, Energy sources for micro-electro-mechanical systems |
Chrostowski, Lukas | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Optics and Photonics; Micro and Nanoelectronics; Nanotechnologies; Manufacturing Processes; biophotonics; biosensors; optics; optoelectronics; photonics; quantum computing; semiconductor lasers; silicon photonics |
Conati, Cristina | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, affective computing, personalized interfaces, intelligent user interfaces, intelligent interface agents, virtual agent, user-adapted interaction, computer-assisted education, educational computer games, computers in education, user-adaptive interaction, Artificial intelligence, adaptive interfaces, cognitive systems, user modelling |
Condon, Anne | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Algorithms; Molecular Programming |
Cretu, Edmond | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Nano-technology; Electronics; Medical and biomedical engineering; microsystems and nanotechnology; sensor clusters and networks; Signal processing and control; Ultrasound Imaging; Microinstrumentation; Inertial measurement units; wearable systems |
Cripton, Peter | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Mechanical engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; biomechanics; Cranio-Encephalic and Spinal Cord Trauma; hip fracture; injury prevention; Mechanical Systems; neurotrauma; Spinal cord injury; spine biomechanics; Trauma / Injuries; Traumatic Brain Injury; Sex Differences in Seat Belt Performance |
Dumont, Guy A | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | biomedical engineering; automatic drug delivery; mobile health; global health; anesthesia; physiological monitoring;, Adaptive control, predictive control, control of distributed parameters systems, advanced process control, applications of wavelet analysis, biomedical applications of control, pulp and paper process control |
Elfring, Gwynn | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Theoretical Fluid Mechanics, Complex Fluids, Cell Biomechanics, Capillary Phenomena, Applied Mathematics |
Evans, William | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Computer and information sciences; Algorithms; theoretical computer science; Computer Sciences and Mathematical Tools; computational geometry; graph drawing; program compression |
Feeley, Michael | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Distributed systems, operating systems, workstation and pc clusters |
Fels, S Sidney | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; Human Computer Interaction; biomechanical modeling of human anatomy; Machine Learning; new interfaces for musical expression; speech synthesis |
Feng, Steve | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Mechanical engineering; Modelization and Simulation; Software (Tools); Machining and Assembling; Milling; Prototyping; 3D Laser Scanning; 3D Printing; Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM); Geometric Modeling; Machining Simulation; Multi-Axis CNC Machining |
Friedlander, Michael | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | numerical optimization, numerical linear algebra, scientific computing, Scientific computing |
Garbi, Rafeef | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Bioinformatics; Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; Artificial Intelligence; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Technologies; Computer Vision; Deep Learning; image analysis; Imaging; Machine Learning; Medical Image Computing |
Gick, Bryan | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | phonetics, speech science, speech motor control, speech perception, multimodal perception, tactile perception, ultrasound imaging of speech, sounds of the world’s languages, Physical mechanisms of speech production, speech research |
Gopalakrishnan, Sathish | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | computer and software systems, real-time and embedded computing (computer systems as part of the real world); cyber-physical systems, Real-time systems, distributed systems, resource management |
Gopaluni, Bhushan | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Modelling and experiment design, identification for control |
Grecov, Dana | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation; Tribology |
Green, Sheldon | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Fluid Mechanics; Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms; building ventilation; railroads; papermaking |
Greenstreet, Mark | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Dynamic systems, formal methods, hybrid systems, differential equations |
Greif, Chen | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Numerical computation; Numerical analysis; scientific computing; numerical linear algebra; numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations |
Hacihaliloglu, Ilker | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Bio-signal processing and analysis; Medical biotechnology; Biomedical signal processing; Image guided surgery systems; Medical and biomedical engineering, n.e.c.; Data analytics and signal processing, n.e.c.; Artificial intelligence (AI); Extraction of relevant information from 3D medical images; Image Guided Surgery; computer assisted diagnosis; Deep Learning; point of care ultrasound; ultrasound image processing; Brain Health; orthopedic surgery; liver disease; lung disease; traumatic Brian injury; neurosurgery; Biomedical Engineering |
Hamel, Keith | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Music composition; Composition; Interactive Computer Music |
Ho, Kendall | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | eHealth, knowledge translation, educational research, continuing professional development, interprofessional education, evidence informed policy, eLearning, global eHealth |
Hodgson, Antony | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Image guided surgery systems; computer assisted orthopaedic surgery; Medical Imaging; surgical navigation; orthopaedics; biomechanics; surgical robots; Image Processing; Machine Learning |
Holmes, Reid | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Computer and information sciences; computer science; open source software; software comprehension; software development tools; software engineering; software quality; software testing; static analysis |
Hu, Alan | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Computer and information sciences; formal methods; formal verification; model checking; nonce to detect automated mining of profiles; post-silicon validation; security; software analysis |
Hutchinson, Norman | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Computer and information sciences; Computer Systems; distributed systems; File Systems; Virtualization |
Ivanov, Andre | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | microelectronics; integrated circuits, computer chip design, smart grid, engineering curriculum, Computer and Software Systems, Emerging Micro/Nano Technologies |
Jaeger, Nicolas A | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Integrated-optics, fiber-optics, optical sensors, optical measurement of voltage and current in power substations, ultrahigh-speed electro-optic modulators, ultrahigh-speed measurement techniques |
Jatskevich, Juri | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Power and energy systems, smart energy grids, power electronic systems and converter circuits, electrical machines and drives, controls, electromagnetic transients, computer modeling and simulation, distributed and parallel simulation |
Kiczales, Gregor | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | MOOCs, Blended Learning, Flexible Learning, University Strategy for Flexible and Blended Learning, Computer Science Education, Programming Languages, Programming languages, aspect-oriented programming, foundations, reflections and meta programming, software design |
Kingstone, Alan | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Cognitive sciences; Brain mechanisms of human perception, attention, and behaviour in experimental & everyday situations |
Lakshmanan, Laks | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | data management and data cleaning; data warehousing and OLAP; data and text mining; analytics on big graphs and news; social networks and media; recommender systems |
Lampe, Lutz | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Wireless communication systems; Fibre-optic communications technologies; Coding and information theory applied to communications and networks technologies; Learning and adaptive systems; Radar and sonar signal processing; wireless communications, optical fiber communications, signal processing, machine learning |
Lemieux, Victoria | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Archival, repository and related studies; Records and information management (except business records and information management); Digital humanities; Blockchain technology and Ecosystems; Trust and Records; Privacy; security; Risk management; Transparency and the public interest (in public sector and financial contexts) |