The Centre for Asian Legal Studies (CALS) at the Peter A. Allard School of Law comprises the largest group of academics teaching and researching Asian legal issues in Canada. We focus on the law and legal culture of China (including Taiwan), Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. The core of the Centre is comprised of faculty members and adjunct professors who work in these jurisdictions/areas. In addition, senior graduate students and adjunct professors assist with the teaching program as instructors.


Affiliated UBC Faculty & Postdocs

Name Role Research Interests
Cheng, Jie Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Comparative Constitutional Law; Chinese Law and Governance; Hong Kong and Macau Basic Laws; Land Property Law; Information Law
Cui, Wei Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) International trade law; Tax law; Tax law and policy; Carbon pricing and climate policy; industrial policy; Taxation and international trade; Chinese legislative system; Clean energy subsidies; Law and political economy; tax and development; Geo-economics
Goold, Benjamin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Law and legal practice; Law; Border Studies; Criminal Justice; Human Rights; migration; Privacy; security
Liao, Carol Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Business Law, Corporate Governance, Sustainable Development Law, Law and Economics, Social Enterprise Law, Access to Justice
Lin, Li-Wen Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Comparative corporate governance; Corporate social responsibility; The interdisciplinary study of corporate law and economic sociology; Law and economic development; Chinese law
Matsui, Shigenori Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Constitutional Law, Mass Media Law, Information Law, Internet Law, Japanese Law, Law and Medicine