Music Education

Music Education covers these specializations: conducting (choral and instrumental), pedagogy, curriculum development, distance education and distributive learning, early childhood music, cultural studies, music and media studies, evaluation and assessment, music psychology, new media and music technologies, and teacher education. Research approaches include ethnography, experimental and correlational research, historical research, narrative inquiry and other forms of arts-based educational research, and philosophical and critical analysis.


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Faculty Members in Music Education

Name Research Interests
Goble, J. Scott music and history; music education; conducting; choral music, Expressed an interest in chairing music exams, music education
Gouzouasis, Peter early childhood music education; computer literacy through fine arts and new media; music in mass media; especially jazz, guitar, Music education, Action Research, Artistic and Aesthetic Development, Arts Education, Assessment, Early Childhood Education, Educational Technologies, Literacy, Media, Semiotics, Text Studies, Music, Music Education Research, Non-Formal Learning, Pedagogy, Philosophy, Research Design and Method, Sociological Issues, Teacher Education Research, Teacher Research, Technology

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