Landscape Architecture

Landscape architecture fosters designers of natural and urban terrains. The goal is to develop conscious designers with a consideration for natural phenomena. They use design with public responsibility to produce resilient and purposeful landscapes.


Faculty Members in Landscape Architecture

Name Research Interests
Byrne, Fionn Landscape architecture; Design innovation; Landscape studies (except architecture); Landscape design; Landscape ethics
Condon, Patrick Michael Sustainable urban design, landscape architecture, sustainable communities
Dahmen, Joseph technical methods and cultural effects of resource use at the scales of architecture and territory.
Herrington, Susan Children’s outdoor play environments, Playgrounds, Natural play environments, Risky play, Landscape architecture, Landscape architecture history, landscape theory, Comtemporary theory, globalization and contested theory, design and history of landscapes
Huemoeller, James
Jacobs, Sara
Kellett, Ronald Environmental quality, urban form, development of tools for urban design, green neighbourhoods
Lokman, Kees design studios in the landscape architecture
Roehr, Daniel Sustainable communities, sustainable design, materials and construction, landscape architecture, integration of living roofs as holitstic system for stormwater management
Tak, Thena

Student & Alumni Stories in Landscape Architecture


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