
This program focuses on the writing of journalism, on the historic evolution of journalism as a profession, ethics and journalism, on journalism and the legal system, and on the role and character of journalism in a changing society.


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Faculty Members in Journalism

Name Research Interests
Al-Solaylee, Kamal Literary nonfiction, Race and representation, Migration studies
Callison, Candis changes to media practices and platforms, journalism ethics, the role of social movements in public discourse, and understanding how issues related to science and technology become meaningful for diverse publics.
Dadugblor, Stephen English language; Rhetoric; Digital media/social media; democratic deliberation; decoloniality; writing studies; African Studies
Hermida, Alfred Social sciences; Digital journalism; Media innovation; social media; Transformation of news; Misinformation
Klein, Peter Media Types (Radio, Television, Written Press, etc.); Video and New Media; Global Health and Emerging Diseases; Large International Projects; Media and Democratization; Global Journalism; Innovation in Journalism; Documentary Production; Investigative Reporting
Maraj, Louis Languages and literature; Philosophy; Rhetoric; Black Studies; digital media; Cultural Studies; media studies; Critical Pedagogies; Race and Racism
McGee, Alexis Languages and literature; Black Feminist Theory; African American language, literacies, and rhetorics; Rhetorical theory and composition pedagogy; Rhetorical History; Composition History; Sociolinguistics; Sound (voice)
Tenenboim, Ori
Young, Mary-Lynn Sociology of the media, gender, media economics, representations, online news, media and crime, Internet

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