Strengthening Mothers through Perinatal Research Award


Likely in December 2025

Annual Value



Permanent Resident

Degree Level


A $1,650 award is offered annually by Beverley O’Brien for graduate students pursuing research into woman-centered, holistic and physiologic maternity care. Beverley O’Brien is a UBC Nursing alumna, Professor Emerita in the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Nursing, and a Registered Midwife.



Graduate students who are registered in any UBC graduate program are eligible to apply for this Graduate Student award. There is a strong preference for this award to go to a nurse or midwife pursuing graduate work. The focus of the graduate work must be on strengthening mothers through the development of research evidence. All applicants must be in good academic standing with the University, and must be making satisfactory progress towards their degree as defined by the UBC Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Excellence in scholarly work and independent research - 30%
    1. academic record and attainment to date
    2. duration of graduate studies, taking into account the nature of the program and relevant personal circumstances
    3. scholarships and awards held
    4. research experience and training to date
    5. determination and ability to complete projects within an appropriate period of time
    6. critical thinking, judgment, originality, initiative and autonomy
  2. Quality and relevance of proposed research project - 40%
    1. merit, potential significance, clarity, feasibility
    2. relevance of applicant’s work experience and academic training to field of proposed research
    3. suitability and quality of research environment (proposed supervisor, facilities, support of academic unit)
  3. Leadership, extracurricular activity and commitment to community service - 20%
    1. contribution to extracurricular activities as a student
    2. professional contributions and leadership
    3. service to the community
  4. Personal qualities of the applicant - 10%
    1. character: integrity, collegiality and respect for others
    2. communication skills
    3. motivation to make a difference
    4. leadership abilities

Preference will be given to midwives and nurses.

Application Procedures

Application materials:

  1. Cover page listing applicant’s name, UBC student number and email address.
  2. Outline of proposed research (maximum one page).
  3. CV to include: name, address, contact details, current position, education, employment, past and/or current awards, research experience and training, publications, posters, presentations.
  4. Letter of support (one letter, maximum two pages) from a person sufficiently familiar with applicant’s research and other abilities to provide a meaningful commentary.

Applications should be emailed to:

Adjudication Procedures

The award will be made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, in consultation with the Midwifery Program.

Conflict of interest

To avoid potential conflicts of interest, a faculty member who is supervising a current applicant or who has written a supporting letter for a current applicant must declare this as a conflict of interest and exclude themselves from the evaluation of the application.


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