Daman Saini

Bellissimo Law Group P.C.
Immigration Lawyer
Chandigarh , India
Toronto , Canada

What are your main responsibilities or activities in your current position?

My current responsibilities include drafting documents and legal submissions for Judicial Review of Immigration cases to the Federal Court, as well as drafting forms and submissions for temporary and permanent residence applications. I am also preparing responses to Procedural Fairness Letters, communicating with clients regarding their cases, and writing Immigration Blogs, and developing a social media strategy. 

How does your current work relate to your graduate degree?

I completed my LLM. CL from UBC in order to meet my NCA requirements and become a lawyer licensed to practice in Canada. At UBC, I undertook an Immigration Law and Legal Research and Writing course which has proven crucial to excelling in my area of practice. Learning how to communicate legal jargon in an effective manner and be organized with my material has given me an advantage over my peers.

What do you like and what do you find challenging about your current position?

Being an immigrant myself, I am passionate about helping people fulfill their dream of coming to Canada and making their journey as seamless as possible. Sometimes the system does produce unfair results, in these moments it is quite challenging to manage client expectations. Being able to manage client relations is key in a professional world. I have learned that in such challenging moments, having open and honest communication is important. Sympathizing with the client and keeping their expectations in check is crucial.

Is your current career path as you originally intended?

Since finishing Grade 11, I have wanted to be a lawyer. I took some legal training courses while in high school and then went on to do my LL.B from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom. I was extremely grateful to then complete my Masters in Law at UBC. 

What motivated you to pursue graduate work at UBC?

I had decided in Grade 7 that I would want to pursue my graduate work at UBC after one of my cousin's sisters graduated from this esteemed institution. UBC offers world-class education and a supportive network of professors and staff, which helps you grow on a holistic level and prepares you to take on the world!

What did you enjoy the most about your time as a graduate student at UBC?

I completed my degree during the pandemic, and what I enjoyed most was how supportive and understanding the Professors were. They created discussion spaces for all students to connect and delivered the material in an accessible manner.

How did the graduate degree at UBC help you achieve your career and/or personal development goals?

Studying at a renowned university helps give you an advantage. The degree prepared me to take on challenges with courage and a smile. I have become more confident and resilient.

What key things did you do, or what attitudes or approaches did you have, that contributed to your success?

The most important quality that I believe contributed to my success is having organization and time management skills. Learning how to prioritize tasks and being efficient goes a long way. Also being passionate about the work you do, waking up every day, and being excited to help people and complete your tasks.

What is your best piece of advice for current graduate students preparing for their future careers?

You can be anything you want to be, as long as you are passionate about it. The world is your oyster. But is important that you stay focused and believe in yourself.


Read tips on applying, reference letters, statement of interest, reaching out to prospective supervisors, interviews and more in our Application Guide!