UBC graduate students and postdoctoral fellows contribute to research projects, make discoveries and develop solutions to problems. Their outstanding work is featured in the news every month. Here are some highlights from the fall.
- Dr. Chaahat Singh, Postdoctoral Fellow in the Medical Genetics Graduate Program at UBC’s Faculty of medicine, was featured in UBC News “Cancer chemotherapy drug reverses Alzheimer’s symptoms in mice” (Oct. 5, 2021).
- Josh Mclnnes, Master student at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, was featured in CBC News, “UBC researchers find little-known type of killer whale that preys on large sea mammals” (Oct 5, 2021).
- Santiago de la Puente, PhD student in the Resource Management and Environmental Studies program at UBC’s Faculty of Science, was Featured in Canada’s National Observer news, “Fishing is a lucrative industry. Why is Canada giving its investors a break?” (October 8, 2021).
- Dr. Vincent Ialenti, a Postdoctoral Fellow in UBC’s School of Public Policy & Global Affairs, was featured in Bloomberg “Pay Close Attention to Russia’s Small Neighbor on Energy” (October 8, 2021).
- Dr. Chris Tenove, a Postdoctoral Fellow in UBC’s Political Science department, was featured in the Vancouver Sun “Disinformation: How to hold Facebook and other giant social media corporations to account” (October 8, 2021).
- Mei Sato, PhD student at UBC’s Institute for the Ocean and Fisheries, was featured in Global news “Southern resident killer whales do not lack summer prey: UBC researchers” (October 12, 2021).
- Haley Branch, a PhD student in Botany, was featured in the Ubyssey "Our Campus: Haley Branch is trying to make disability visible in academia" (October 12, 2021).
- Dr. Ryan P. Reynolds, Postdoctoral Fellow in UBC’s School of Community and Regional Planning, was featured in UBC news “UBC experts on Great BC Shakeout and disaster preparedness” (October 20, 2021).
- Dr. Brian Menounos, a PhD alumni in UBC’s Department of Geography, was featured in CBC News “Alberta glacier suffered record melt this year — but researchers suggest it will get worse” (October 17, 2021).
- Ingrid Jarvis, a PhD student in UBC’s Faculty of Forestry, was featured in Global news “Time in nature can help kids reach developmental milestones: UBC study” (October 21, 2021).
- Katie Florko, a PhD student in the Oceans and Fisheries program, was featured in CBC Quirks and Quarks “Narwhals leave infrared 'fluke-prints' in the ocean that can be seen with aerial cameras” (October 15, 2021).
- Ingrid Jarvis, a PhD student in the Faculty of Forestry, was featured in CTV Morning News "Children living near green spaces show better overall development, B.C. study suggests" (October 22, 2021)
- Caitlyn Yates, a PhD student in UBC’s department of Anthropology, was featured in CNN World News “A migration crisis is ballooning in Latin America” (October 14, 2021).
- Kira Hoffman, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculty of Forestry, was featured in Business Examiner “Are Outdated Forest Policies Encouraging Forest fires Disasters?” (October 27, 2021).
- Citlali Cruz Cruz, a Postdoctoral Fellow in UBC’s School of Public Policy & Global Affairs, was featured in The Conversation “COP26: Strong carbon-trading rules could help the world avoid dangerous levels of global warming” (November 1, 2021).
- Jessica Yu, a PhD student in UBC’s School of Population and Public Health, was featured in UBC News “Life expectancy varies by as much as 9.5 years across Metro Vancouver” (November 4, 2021).
- Temitope Onifade, a PhD student in the Doctor of Philosophy in Law program at UBC’s Peter A. Allard School of Law, was featured on CBC News “Thousands fill Glasgow streets demanding more action and ambition from UN climate summit” (November 5, 2021).
- Kira Hoffman, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculty of forestry at UBC, was featured on Glacier Media “Opinion: Yes, we can save B.C. from the worst wildfires — here's how” (November 5, 2021).
- Jessica Schaub, a Master student in the Oceans and Fisheries program at UBC’s Faculty of Science, was featured on ZME Science “Atomic isotopes solve mystery about jellyfish diet” (November 9, 2021).
- Ryan Reynolds, a Postdoctoral Fellow in UBC’s School of Community and Reginal Planning, was featured in a Business in Vancouver article “Urban British Columbians 'overconfident' they can deal with storm fallout: BC Hydro” (November 9, 2021).
- Julia R Mattison, a Postdoctoral Fellow Alumni in UBC’s Department of English Language and Literatures, was featured in The Guardian “Fragment of lost 12th-century epic poem found in another book’s binding” (November 18, 2021).
- Kevin Kung, a Postdoctoral Fellow at UBC, was featured in UBC News “UBC post-doc entrepreneur’s invention wins nearly $2M prize from Royals, Elon Musk” (November 24, 2021).
- Ismalia de Sousa, a PhD student in the Philosophy in Nursing program at UBC’s Faculty of Applied Science, was featured in The Tyee “Black Nurses in BC Face ‘Entrenched and Pervasive’ Racism, Survey Finds” (November 24, 2021).
- Dr. Seyyedarash Haddadi, a Postdoctoral Fellow at UBC Okanagan's Nanomaterials and Polymer Naoncomposties Lab, was featured in iNFO News “UBCO researcher develops mask coating to prevent spread of COVID virus” (November 23, 2021).
- Ryan Reynolds, a Postdoctoral Fellow in UBC’s School of Community and Reginal Planning, was featured in a Vancouver is Awesome article “Vancouver urges residents to download emergency alert app” (December 2, 2021).
- Natasha Parent, a PhD student in the Doctor of Philosophy in Human Development, Learning, and Culture in UBC’s Faculty of Education, was featured in The Conversation “Young people’s fear of missing out may be fuelling feelings of social disconnection during COVID-19” (December 2, 2021).
- Dr. Ngoc Tan Nguyen, a Postdoctoral Fellow in UBC’s Faculty of Applied Science, was featured in CBC News “UBC team creates stretchy, washable battery — and new possibilities for wearable tech” (December 9, 2021).
If you are a graduate student or postdoc who was featured in the news, let us know! Tell us about your projects or research at graduate.communications@ubc.ca.
Tuesday, 01 February 2022