Congratulations to this year's graduating master’s and doctoral students!

From May 22 to May 31, UBC holds graduation ceremonies to honour thousands of students receiving their baccalaureate, master's and doctoral degrees. Everyone crossing the stage this spring has their own story of hard work, challenges, setbacks, and achievements. In all, 1,295 master's and doctoral students have earned the right to cross the stage of the Chan Centre this spring, and we wish all of them the very best in their future endeavors.

Some of these year’s graduates include:

Dr. Wijesekera, from Electrical and Computer Engineering, who developed a contextual permission system to better safeguard personal and sensitive resources in smartphones. The new permission system significantly increases privacy protection of current mobile platforms over the status-quo by engaging the users more effectively.

Dr. Ritts, from Geography, who studied listening, sound-making, and musical composition to map out the politics of industrial development on the North Coast of British Columbia. This work illustrates the complex attachments of place, and the deepening forms of technological mediation, that shape negotiations with a rapidly changing environmental geography.

Dr. Ebrahimi, from Zoology, who developed new biodegradable plastics with different topologies and microstructures to replace their environmentally persistent counterparts. Her comprehensive study provides new approaches towards the development of industrially relevant catalysts for the large-scale production of biodegradable and biocompatible plastics.

Dr. Ziemsen, from Interdisciplinary Studies, who developed a learning model that allows students to produce films online and in a virtual world using a process called machinima. Her goal was to help democratize film education. She engaged in her research as an a/r/tographer, by directing and producing two films and developing an online film production curriculum.

For words of wisdom from UBC alumni, visit our alumni profiles.

Visit for a full schedule of all graduation ceremonies, and information on additional campus events. While many of the graduation ceremonies are now sold out, there is a standby line for each ceremony. All graduate ceremonies can also be viewed online.

Thursday, 24 May 2018