From November 28 to November 30, UBC holds graduation ceremonies to students receiving their baccalaureate, master's and doctoral degrees. Everyone crossing the stage this fall has their own story of hard work, challenges, setbacks, and achievements.
Some of this year’s November graduates include:
Dr. Ghanouni, from Rehabilitation Science, developed a novel client-centred virtual reality gaming program as a therapeutic intervention for children with autism to enhance their socio-emotional skills. This trans-disciplinary project illuminates the role of community as equal partners with researchers during the design and development of products that can meet end users' needs.
Dr. Houlahan, Educational Leadership and Policy, designed, developed, implemented, and evaluated a competency-based program for municipal police recruit training in British Columbia. Recruits trained in this program have a more accurate view of their abilities compared to recruits in a lecture-based program. This program is now standard for municipal police recruit training in BC.
Dr. MacLennan, from Chemistry, developed a fast, environmentally friendly and cost-effective chemical analysis method to characterize oil sands contaminants in environmental waters. The method was used to chemically fingerprint contaminated water samples according to their origin, providing a complementary approach to oil sands forensics.
Dr. Baylis, Biomedical Engineering, examined treatments for bleeding using self-propelling particles. These micro-rockets, loaded with pro-coagulant and applied directly to the wound site, can travel against the flow of blood to stop bleeding at its source. He further developed new bandages, which could stop massive bleeding during surgery or emergency situations.
For words of wisdom from UBC alumni, visit our alumni profiles.
Visit for a full schedule of all graduation ceremonies, and information on additional campus events.