Award Opportunities

Award Namesort ascending Deadline Summary
Bullitt Prize Likely in June 2025 The Bullitt Prize is a program to identify and support environmentally focused leaders in the Pacific Northwest.  Applicants must be studying and demonstrate a commitment to subjects that are closely aligned with the Prize’s mission to safeguard the natural environment by promoting responsible human activities and sustainable communities in the Pacific Northwest.
British Columbia Graduate Scholarship Ongoing The province of British Columbia has funded graduate scholarships to emphasize research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, and support for Indigenous students.
BPOC Graduate Excellence Award Likely in January 2025 Awards, valued at no less than $1,500 each, available for outstanding graduate students who identify as Black or as a Person of Colour, with preference for domestic students and for incoming research Master’s students.
Black Business and Professional Association National Scholarship Likely in July 2025 The BBPA National Scholarship Program (NSP) is dedicated to supporting and promoting the achievement of academic excellence by Black Canadian youth through an annual scholarship program.
BC NEIHR Indigenous Graduate and Postdoctoral Funding Likely in February 2025 The BC NEIHR supports Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) graduate students and postdoctoral fellows by annual competitions for Master’s and Doctoral scholarships and biennial (every two years) for Post-Doctoral fellowships.
BC Indigenous Student Award April 2, 2025, at 4:30PM PST The BC Scholarship Society has established an award program for Indigenous students pursuing studies at the Master’s and Doctoral levels in British Columbia. Renewable awards of up to $5,000 per year are available.
Arthritis Society Graduate PhD Salary Award Likely in April 2025 Salary awards are offered to graduate students who are undertaking full-time research training in an area of clear relevance to arthritis and The Arthritis Society's 5-year research strategic plan.
Andrew Nord Fellowships in Rheumatology Likely in May 2025 Fellowships are available for doctoral students engaged in rheumatology research in any faculty at UBC.
Affiliated Fellowships Master's Program Likely in December 2025 The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies offers Affiliated Fellowships each year to current and prospective full-time UBC-Vancouver graduate students regardless of citizenship or visa status.
Affiliated Fellowships Doctoral Program Likely in September 2025 The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies offers Affiliated Fellowships each year to current and prospective full-time UBC graduate students regardless of citizenship or visa status.
ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Likely in October 2025 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) established the Doctoral Dissertation Award program to recognize and encourage superior research and writing by doctoral candidates in computer science and engineering. The award is presented each June at the ACM Awards Banquet and is accompanied by a prize of $20,000 plus travel expenses to the banquet. All winning dissertations are published exclusively in print and electronic formats as part of the ACM Books Series, which includes distribution through the ACM Digital Library. Honorable Mention(s) may also be awarded, with a prize of $10,000 shared among recipients.
Aboriginal Graduate Fellowship Bridge Funding No future deadline; program discontinued The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies matches funding provided by graduate programs to support Indigenous Master's graduate students.
