Margaret Meagher Fellowship |
Likely in June 2025 |
The purpose of the Margaret Meagher Fellowship is to deepen the Government of Canada understanding of China, and to foster the development of a next generation of Canadian policy makers and specialists who will be at the forefront in government, business, education and civil society. This PhD or postdoctoral fellowship ($40,060 for 9 months) is ideally suited to an early-career post-doctoral fellow who wishes to pursue a career path bridging academia and policy making. |
Maple Leaf Scholarship in Food Insecurity |
Likely in February 2025 |
Four scholarships are distributed each year beginning in the 2020/2021 academic year, to support Master or PhD students who propose to advance a better understanding of food insecurity in Canada. |
Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships |
February 1, 2025, at 4pm PT |
Mackenzie King Scholarships support graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere. |
London Goodenough Association of Canada Scholarship |
March 1, 2025 |
Scholarships are offered towards the cost of accommodation at Goodenough College, the pre-eminent residential college for international graduate students in London. |
Linda Michaluk Scholarship |
Likely in November 2025 |
The Linda Michaluk Scholarship of $2,500 is awarded annually by the College of Applied Biology to full-time students enrolled in a Canadian post-graduate program of study that is relevant to the advancement of science-informed decision making, or to the development of laws and regulations that affect the practice of natural resource management. |
Li Tze Fong Memorial Fellowship |
Likely in September 2025 |
Fellowships of $25,000 (subject to change) are awarded each year through the Affiliated Fellowships competitions, made available by the University of British Columbia and the Li family in memory of Mr. Li Tze Fong. |
Killam Fellowship Travel and Research Allowance |
Likely in December 2025 |
The UBC Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies provides current Killam Doctoral Scholars and Postdoctoral Research Fellows with an allowance to promote travel for research and to attend and/or present at academic meetings. |
Killam Doctoral Scholarships |
Likely in September 2025 |
The Killam Doctoral Scholarships support outstanding doctoral students at UBC. |
Killam Connection |
Likely in September 2025 |
The Killam Connection program provides up to $25,000 to enable UBC faculty to host an interdisciplinary research forum and graduate course. |
Killam Awards for Excellence in Mentoring |
Likely in September 2025 |
The Killam Awards for Excellence in Mentoring recognize outstanding mentorship of numerous graduate students over many years. |
Karl C. Ivarson Scholarship for Students in Soil Science and Related Studies |
Likely in April 2025 |
Dr. Karl C. Ivarson Scholarship provides financial support to students entering second or subsequent year of graduate studies in soil science (agriculture, agro-ecology, resource management, environment, geology or other related disciplines).
Candidates must hold Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Residence status in Canada and be enrolled in their graduate program for at least one semester beyond the application deadline. |
Karl C. Ivarson Agricultural Scholarship |
Likely in November 2025 |
This scholarship is open to agricultural science students from the province of Alberta. Students may be enrolled in any post-secondary institution within or outside the province of Alberta. Candidates must hold Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Residence status in Canada and be enrolled in their graduate program for at least one semester beyond the application deadline. |
Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation of Canada Scholarship for Canadian Women |
Likely in March 2025 |
The Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation of Canada offers a graduate scholarship to female Canadian citizens pursuing PhD studies. |
John W. Davies Memorial Award |
Likely in June 2025 |
One award of $3,000 is offered by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Arctic Section in memory of John W. Davies, a former Chairman of the Arctic Section. The competition is open to any full time graduate student whose research will assist in providing solutions to problems encountered in the Arctic or in cold ocean environments. |
John Peters Humphrey Fellowship |
Likely in September 2025 |
Provided by the Canadian Council on International Law (CCIL), the John Peters Humphrey Fellowship in International Human Rights or International Organization is awarded to outstanding students to support them in the pursuit of full-time graduate studies in the fields of international human rights or international organization. This fellowship is made in honour of John Peters Humphrey, a renowned Canadian international lawyer. |
John G. Bene Fellowship |
Likely in July 2025 |
Trees and People: Resilience in a changing climate – John G. Bene Fellowship is offered annually to Canadians and permanent residents of Canada pursuing master’s or doctoral studies at a Canadian university. Candidates should have an academic background that combines an interest in forests with social sciences (e.g., forestry/agroforestry/natural resources management/environmental sciences). |
J.A. Campbell Young Investigator Award |
Likely in February 2025 |
The J. A. Campbell Young Investigator Award of $5,000 for any kind of research into Celiac Disease and / or Gluten Sensitivity is available to students and those who have recently completed degrees. |
J.A. Campbell Research Award |
Likely in February 2025 |
A grant to a maximum of $25,000 is offered for research projects in Canada of a scientific, applied science, and/or medical nature relevant to celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and/or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or the socio-economic implications of delayed diagnosis and/or living with this conditions. The CCA is open to all types of relevant research and is not restricted to medical research. |
IODE War Memorial Scholarship |
Likely in October 2025 |
The National Chapter of Canada IODE initiated War Memorial Doctoral Scholarships in 1918 to commemorate Canadians who sacrificed their lives for peace and freedom. Initially, bursaries were granted to children of men and women who lost their lives or who were permanently disabled while fighting for Canada. Today, applicants are judged on academic excellence and potential. Applicants must be Canadian citizens and in at least their second year of doctoral program at a Canadian or Commonwealth university. |
International Tuition Award |
Likely in December 2025 |
The International Tuition Award assists international graduate students with their tuition fees if they are registered full-time in research-oriented master’s and doctoral programs. |
International Policy Ideas Challenge |
Likely in May 2025 |
International Doctoral Fellowship |
Discontinued |
Provides five years of funding for top incoming international doctoral students. |
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Research Awards |
Likely in February 2025 |
The IDRC Research Awards are offered to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries enrolled in a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university OR who have completed a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university. Research award recipients will undertake a one-year paid program of research focused on at least one developing country. |
Indigenous Graduate Fellowships (IGF) Research & Engagement Award |
February 14, 2025, at 4pm PT |
Funding in support of research and travel expenses is awarded to current holders of the Indigenous Graduate Fellowship award in full-time Master's or Doctoral Programs in any discipline, whose work will contribute directly or indirectly to community engagement and relationship building with Indigenous communities. |
Indigenous Graduate Fellowships (IGF) 5th Year Award |
February 14, 2025, at 4pm PT |
A $25,000 per annum stipend plus tuition is awarded on the recommendation of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to full-time Indigenous Doctoral students from all disciplines to fund their 5th year of study. |