Undergraduate Research

This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last name First name Type Research Interests Department(s) Facultysort descending
Feng Haibo Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Building construction engineering; Concrete, cementitious materials and other architectural and construction materials; BIM; Construction; LCA; sustainability; Wood Products; Zero energy / caron building Department of Wood Science Faculty of Forestry
McKendry James Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Musculoskeletal biology and physiology; Health promotion and disease prevention; Aging process; Human nutrition and metabolism; Nutritional physiology; Clinical nutrition; Exercise physiology; Sports nutrition; Kinesiology; Skeletal Muscle; Protein metabolism; Aging; Nutrition; exercise; Sarcopenia; Protein; Muscle Disuse; Stable Isotope Tracers; Omics; Cell Culture; Microscopy Food, Nutrition & Health Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Houfani Aicha Asma Postdoctoral Fellow Medical, health and life sciences; Protein Biochemistry; Proteomics Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Kontogiorgos Vasileios Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Food colloids, gels, foam and emulsions; Food chemistry (including fermentation); Food rheology, food texture and sensory evaluation; Nutraceuticals, functional foods and bioactive; food chemistry; Physical chemistry of foods; Food colloids; Food emulsions; Food polysaccharides; food proteins Food, Nutrition & Health Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Frommel Andrea Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Animal physiology, environmental stress; Sustainable Aquaculture; climate change; Early development in fish; Alternative feeds in aquaculture; Fish physiology Applied Biology Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Yada Rickey Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Other biological sciences; Food science; Food protein chemistry; Structure-function relationships; Enzymes; aspartic proteases Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Cornelis Jean Thomas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Earth and related environmental sciences; Pedology; Biogeochemistry; Soil-Plant Interactions Applied Biology Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Weary Daniel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Animal and dairy sciences; Animal welfare; Applied animal behaviour; Dairy cattle; Laboratory animals Applied Biology Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Yang Tianxi Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Food sciences (including food engineering); Analytical chemistry; Nano-technology; Chemical engineering; Develop novel Point-of-Care tools for food safety monitoring; Design smart nanomaterials for sustainable farming and precision agriculture; Create sustainable and multifunctional packaging materials to improve food safety and quality Food, Nutrition & Health Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Krzic Maja Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Soil sciences; Soil health; Soil management; Soil science education Applied Biology, Department of Forest & Conservation Sciences Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Gulati Sumeet Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Agricultural economics; Wildlife and habitat management; Ecological policy; Economics of Human Wildlife Conflict; Economics of Urban Transportation; Effectiveness of Carbon Taxes; Effectiveness of Environmental Policy; International Trade and its Effect on the Environment; Political Economy of Environmental and Trade Policy Food and Resource Economics Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Koralesky Katherine (Katie) Postdoctoral Fellow Sociology and related studies; Psychology, social and behavorial aspects; Humane animal treatment; Agricultural biotechnology; Emerging technologies in agriculture; Responsible innovation; Farmer views on animal welfare; Public perceptions of animal welfare; Institutional ethnography; Animal welfare law and policy; Animal sheltering and protection Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Zulyniak Michael Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Human nutrition and metabolism; Population health interventions; Systems biology; Nutritional epidemiology; metabolic diseases; Pregnancy; gestational diabetes; type-2 diabetes; Metabolism; Genetics; health disparity; Nutrition; lifestyle; precision nutrition Food, Nutrition & Health Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Routh Supriya Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Law (except legal practice and international law); Asian legal studies; Human rights including international human rights; Jurisprudence, legal theory, and critical studies; Labour and employment law including international labour law; law and development; Law and social justice; Law and society Peter A. Allard School of Law
Hofri-Winogradow Adam Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Equity and trusts law; Business, commercial and corporate law; Legal institutions (including courts and justice systems); Legal theory, jurisprudence and legal interpretation; Law and society; Administrative law and regulatory governance; Asian legal studies; Banking and finance law; Business, corporate and commercial law; Civil law; Comparative Law; Law and social justice; legal history; Property and real estate; Tax law and policy; Trusts and equity; Urban and municipal law Peter A. Allard School of Law
Harris Douglas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Property law (except intellectual property law); Canadian history; property law; condominium law; legal history; Law & Cities Peter A. Allard School of Law
Brunham Liam Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; Lipids; Genetics; Pharmacogenomics; Cardiovascular diseases Division of General Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Lester Richard Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Infectious diseases; Digital health; Mobile health (mHealth); Precision Public Health; Patient-centered care; Global Health Division of Infectious Diseases Faculty of Medicine
Nicolaou Savvakis Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Radiology, nuclear medicine and medical imaging; Computed Tomography; Artificial Intelligence; Emergency Radiology; Trauma Radiology; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Department of Radiology Faculty of Medicine
Roberts Morgan Faculty (non-G+PS member) Tumour immunology; Applied immunology (including antibody engineering, xenotransplantation and t-cell therapies); Solid cancer tumours; Immunology; Bladder cancer; Immuno-oncology; Sex differences in cancer immunobiology Faculty of Medicine
Jevitt Cecilia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; Midwifery; perinatal obesity; weight management in pregnancy; obesity prevention; breastfeeding/lactation; prenatal nutrition Department of Family Practice Faculty of Medicine
Wang Ying Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cardiology and circulatory sciences (including cardiovascular disease); Cell differentiation, proliferation and death; Drug discovery, design and delivery; atherosclerosis; Diabetic cardiomyopathy; Vascular biology; Spatial 'Omics'; Drug repurposing and therapeutic design; Disease modeling; Digital Pathology Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Hacihaliloglu Ilker Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bio-signal processing and analysis; Medical biotechnology; Biomedical signal processing; Image guided surgery systems; Medical and biomedical engineering, n.e.c.; Data analytics and signal processing, n.e.c.; Artificial intelligence (AI); Extraction of relevant information from 3D medical images; Image Guided Surgery; computer assisted diagnosis; Deep Learning; point of care ultrasound; ultrasound image processing; Brain Health; orthopedic surgery; liver disease; lung disease; traumatic Brian injury; neurosurgery; Biomedical Engineering Department of Radiology, Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Afshari Reza Faculty (non-G+PS member) Environmental and occupational health and safety; Critical care medicine and emergency medicine; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Epidemiology,; Toxicology,; Pharmacology,; Environment; Risk assessment Faculty of Medicine
Delaidelli Alberto Postdoctoral Fellow Medical, health and life sciences; pediatric cancer; Brain tumors; Neurodegenerative diseases Faculty of Medicine
Forbes Connor Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Urology; Other basic medicine and life sciences; Drug discovery, design and delivery; Endourology; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia; Kidney stones; Translational research Department of Urologic Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Dennis Brittany Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; Substance Use; Harm reduction; novel treatments for opioid use disorder Division of Social Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Gaballah Sameh Faculty (non-G+PS member) Faculty of Medicine
Nelson Brad Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Clinical oncology; Genetic medicine; Cancer immunology and immunotherapy; Cell Therapy of Cancer; Cell therapies; Clinical trials; Oncolytic viruses; T cell engineering Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Brown Carolyn Janet Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Epigenetics and epigenomics; Other basic medicine and life sciences; Gene regulation and expression; Genomics; Developmental genetics (including sex determination); Applied Genetics; Chromosomes: Structure / Organization; DNA methylation; Epigenetic control of gene expression; Gene Regulation and Expression; Genes escaping X-chromosome inactivation; Long non-coding RNAs; X-chromosome inactivation; XIST RNA Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Tamber Mandeep Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Surgery; clinical epidemiology; registry research; epilepsy surgery; Hydrocephalus; Craniofacial surgery; pediatric neurosurgery Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine
Henderson Sarah Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Environmental and occupational health and safety; wildfire smoke; air pollution; Extreme weather events; environmental health; radon gas; Food safety; Water quality School of Population and Public Health Faculty of Medicine
Weber Alexander Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks; Central nervous system; Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); Quantitative MRI; Brain Disorders; resting state functional MRI; myelin water imaging; Arterial Spin Labelling; Diffusion Tensor Imaging; Fractal based analysis; Concussion; Diagnostic Imaging; Epilepsy; Seizures; Traumatic Brain Injury; open science; Biomedical Engineering; Rett Syndrome Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine
Steif Adi Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bioinformatics; Algorithms and computational genomics; Genomics; Cancer genetics; Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Cancer progression and metastasis; Statistical methods for high throughput data; High dimensional data analysis; Computational Biology; Machine Learning; Cancer Genomics; Single cell sequencing; Tumour evolution; Genomic technology development Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Bouchard Katrina Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Clinical sexology; Mental health and wellbeing; Sexual identy, sexual attraction and sexual behaviour; Sexual health; sexual response; sexual well-being; women's health; couples Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Faculty of Medicine
Slaunwhite Amanda Faculty (non-G+PS member) Public and population health; illicit drug poisoning (overdose); Substance Use; mental health; prison health; health inequities; health geography Faculty of Medicine
Chen Carol Faculty (non-G+PS member) Pediatric cancer; Epigenetics and epigenomics; Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Brain Cancer; Brain development; Epigenetics; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Developmental biology Faculty of Medicine
Cripton Peter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mechanical engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; biomechanics; Cranio-Encephalic and Spinal Cord Trauma; hip fracture; injury prevention; Mechanical Systems; neurotrauma; Spinal cord injury; spine biomechanics; Trauma / Injuries; Traumatic Brain Injury; Sex Differences in Seat Belt Performance School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
Pavlidis Paul Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Engineering and technology; genomics; Bioinformatics; cellular and molecular neuroscience; Genetics; disorders of the nervous system; single-cell genomics; Computational Biology; Gene regulation Department of Psychiatry, Michael Smith Laboratories Faculty of Medicine
Guenette Jordan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Respiratory diseases; Other biological sciences; Clinical exercise physiology; Cardiorespiratory physiology; Mechanisms and management of breathlessness and exercise intolerance; Chronic respiratory diseases Department of Physical Therapy Faculty of Medicine
Viau Victor Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Basic medicine and life sciences; Sex differences; Stress responses; Glucocorticoids; Inflammation; Behavior; Central Nervous System; Endocrinology Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Schmidt Julia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Occupational therapy; Trauma / Injuries; cognition; Neurological diseases; Cognitive impairment; neuroscience; rehabilitation; Self-awareness; Self-identity; Traumatic Brain Injury Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy Faculty of Medicine
Janssen Sanne Postdoctoral Fellow Other basic medicine and life sciences; Epigenomics Faculty of Medicine
Kuo Calvin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biomechanical engineering; Medical devices; Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics); Sensing human motion; How humans make sense of their own motion; Sensorimotor Neutrophysiology; Wearable Sensing; Musculoskeletal Modeling School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
de Jongh Gonzalez Olivia Postdoctoral Fellow Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; Parenting practices and styles; Childhood obesity; Health behavior change; Intervention design, implementation, adherence, effectiveness; mHealth apps / interventions; Quantitative Methods; Statistical analyses Faculty of Medicine
Alageel Mohammed Faculty (non-G+PS member) Critical care medicine and emergency medicine; Shock; Sickle cell disease; Resuscitation Faculty of Medicine
Venturutti Leandro Faculty (non-G+PS member) Hematological tumours; Premalignant disease (precursors); Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Cancer progression and metastasis; Adaptive immunity; Autoimmunity; Cellular immunology; Immunogenetics (including genetic immunology); Blood cancer; Lymphomas; Clonal precursor populations; Tumor progression; Tumor dissemination; Extranodal disease; B cells; Immunological memory Faculty of Medicine
Dawson Jessica Postdoctoral Fellow Neurodegeneration; human genetics; neurodegeneration; Huntington disease; Genetic Modifiers; Sequence diversity; Triplet repeat disorders Faculty of Medicine
Haas Kurt Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical and biomedical engineering; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Autism; Brain Circuit Development; Dendritogenesis; Epilepsy; Genetics of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Neurological diseases; Neuronal Communication and Neurotransmission; Neuronal Computation; Neuronal Modeling; Neuronal Systems; Neuronal and Synaptic Activity; Plasticity / Neuronal Regeneration; Synaptic Plasticity Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences, School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
Friedman Jan Marshall Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other clinical medicine; Genetic medicine; Genomics; Health counselling; Application of whole genome sequencing to diagnose genetic disease; Birth defects epidemiology; Clinical genomics; Developmental Genetics; Genetics and Heredity; Neurofibromatosis Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
