Undergraduate Research

This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last namesort descending First name Type Research Interests Department(s) Faculty
Winstanley Catharine Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Psychology and cognitive sciences; Addiction; Behavioural neuroscience; decision making; Gambling disorder; Impulsivity; Mental Health and Society; Neuronal Systems; Neuropharmacology; Computational neuroscience; Traumatic Brain Injury Department of Psychology Faculty of Arts
Wisnovsky Simon Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer genetics; Tumour immunology; Cellular immunology; Glycomics and glycobiology; Chemical genetics; Systems biology; Cellular interactions (including adhesion, matrix and cell wall); Genomics; Cancer molecular targets; glycobiology; carbohydrates; Tumor immunology; Functional genomics; CRISPR screening; Glycomics; Biochemistry; Molecular Genetics; Cell Biology; Cancer Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Wolf Michael Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Synthesis of materials; Physical inorganic chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Polymer chemistry; Photochemistry Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science
Wong Judy Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer genetics; Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Drug discovery, design and delivery; Nucleic acids studies; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Cancer biology; Aging; Genome Instability; Nucleic Acid Structures; Pharmacology; Genetics and Genomics Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Wotherspoon Amy Postdoctoral Fellow Ecological impacts of climate change; Ecosystem function; Global change biology; Forest ecology; silviculture; climate change; Dendrochronology Faculty of Forestry
Wu Lyndia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biomechanical engineering; Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics); Biomedical signal processing; Mechanical characterization (including modeling, testing, and monitoring); Injury biomechanics; Soft Tissue Biomechanics; Traumatic Brain Injury; Sleep Biomechanics; Sensors and Instrumentation; Data Mining and Machine Learning; Wearable Sensing Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Wu Lang Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biostatistical methods; Longitudinal data analysis, mixed effects models, missing data, hypothesis testing, biostatistics Department of Statistics Faculty of Science
Wu Helena Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Critical identity, ethnic and race studies; Media, visual and digital culture; Critical film studies; Theories of cultural studies; Globalization and culture; Other cultural studies, n.e.c.; Hong Kong cinema, literature and culture; Asian screen cultures; Media narratives; Creative industry and spectatorship; Identity and cultural flows; critical theory; postcolonialism; Thing theory Department of Asian Studies Faculty of Arts
Wu Joy Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Social sciences; Behavioral experiments; Data privacy; Information markets; Fairness Views; Platform strategy Division of Accounting and Information Systems Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
Wytenbroek Lydia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) History of medicine and health care; Nursing; Nursing/Health History; Gender/Women's History; Social justice; Science and Technology School of Nursing Faculty of Applied Science
Xia Guangrui Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Elemental semiconductors; Semiconductor devices; SiGe materials, processing, modeling, and devices, Si photonics, Ge-based lasers, and Ge lasers Department of Materials Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Xiao Bowen Postdoctoral Fellow Developmental psychology Faculty of Education
Xiong Wei Faculty (non-G+PS member) Gastroenterology; Pathology; gastrointestinal disease; liver pathology; pancreatic pathology; Digital Pathology; quality assurance; green lab Faculty of Medicine
Yada Rickey Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Other biological sciences; Food science; Food protein chemistry; Structure-function relationships; Enzymes; aspartic proteases Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Yang Tianxi Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Food sciences (including food engineering); Analytical chemistry; Nano-technology; Chemical engineering; Develop novel Point-of-Care tools for food safety monitoring; Design smart nanomaterials for sustainable farming and precision agriculture; Create sustainable and multifunctional packaging materials to improve food safety and quality Food, Nutrition & Health Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Yao Yuan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biomaterial manufacturing and engineering; Nano/microfabrication and 3D bioprinting; Tissue engineering and organ regeneration; Therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular disease Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Yi Kwang Moo Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Computer vision in artificial intelligence; Pattern recognition and artificial vision; 3D Computer Vision; Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Astronomy Applications of Computer VIsion Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science
YOO Hyung-Suk Daniel Postdoctoral Fellow Neurodegeneration; Age-related macular degeneration; Subretinal fibrosis; Retinal Degeneration; neurodegeneration; Neural repair; Axon regeneration Faculty of Medicine
Yoo Philip Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Jewish studies; Religion and religious studies; Hebrew Bible; Second Temple Judaism Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies Faculty of Arts
Zandstra Peter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical biotechnology; Medical and biomedical engineering; Stem cell bioengineering; Bioengineering; Synthetic biology; Biomedical Engineering; Immuno-engineering; Biotechnology; Computational Biology; Computational modeling; Gene/Cell Therapy Systems; genomics; Immunology; personalized medicine; Regenerative medicine School of Biomedical Engineering, Michael Smith Laboratories Faculty of Medicine
Zappa Sandra Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) ESL, TESOL, LOTE and sign language curriculum, pedagogy and didactics; English for academic purposes; content and language integrated learning (CLIL) / content-based instruction (CBI); multilingual student experiences in higher education; inclusive teaching and learning in higher education; (interdisciplinary) collaboration between subject area and language area instructors; EAP pedagogies; genre-based pedagogies; Systemic Functional Linguistics for EAP; second language socialization theory; social network theory / individual networks of practice; qualitative research design; critical perspectives in language teaching and learning Department of Language & Literacy Education Faculty of Education
Zhang Xu Postdoctoral Fellow Speciation (evolutionary processes); genomics; evolution and adaptation Faculty of Science
Zhang Yue Postdoctoral Fellow Functional materials in materials engineering sciences; Mechanical engineering; Chemical engineering; Solid-state batteries; Energy storage and conversion; Interface chemistry
Zhou Lily Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Public and population health; Cerebrovascular Diseases; Stroke Epidemiology; Cost Effectiveness of Medical Interventions Division of Neurology Faculty of Medicine
Zhu Xinwen Postdoctoral Fellow Cell biology; Systems Biology; Synthetic biology; Cell signaling; Developmental biology Faculty of Medicine
Zieff Gabriel Postdoctoral Fellow Kinesiology; Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; Mental health and wellbeing; Systems physiology; Stress physiology; Exercise Physiology; Cardiometabolic Health; mental health; Lifestyle factors Faculty of Education
Zulyniak Michael Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Human nutrition and metabolism; Population health interventions; Systems biology; Nutritional epidemiology; metabolic diseases; Pregnancy; gestational diabetes; type-2 diabetes; Metabolism; Genetics; health disparity; Nutrition; lifestyle; precision nutrition Food, Nutrition & Health Faculty of Land and Food Systems
